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"That was a kick ass performance!" Dinah yelled.
"Yea that was!" Camila yelled with her head hanging back. She yelled it into the stars as we were walking to the tour bus. All of us just got done taking a shower. It was 1:00 in the morning as we were walking to the tour bus. We just did a great performance in Washington D.C. It was so hyped because the fans were all over the place and screaming like someone murdered them. It was awesome.
"Hey have y'all seen our bus driver?" Normani asked.
"No I haven't." We all replied.
"That's kinda weird cause he is always waiting on us to get done." Normani stated.
As Normani got don't talking the bus driver ran up to us with a blue ace bandage on.
"Sorry I'm late. I went out to get a cup of coffee but I got attacked and bitten by this weird looking thing. I called the cops but by the time they go here it was gone." Jessy, our bus driver informed us.
"Are you ok Jess?" Camila asked.
"Yea but I haven't been feeling that good. Don't worry I'm still gonna drive y'all but I might stop a little more than usual." He told us.
"Ok that will work." We all said and got on the tour bus.
"Hey I'm actually staying here. My cousin is coming to pick me up and I will be spending time with my family." Ally informed us.
"Ok Allycat but don't get into trouble." Normani said.
"Ok, whatever I won't." Ally replied.
We all loaded on the bus except for Ally.
Hours later
I went to the fridge to get one of my favorite drinks that I drink non stop, As we were riding down the road the bus came to a sudden stop. I jerked foward and my drink went all over me. The girls were sitting in the living room as the bus jerked to a stop. Camz went flying off the couch and hit the wall, then fell. That is how hard it came to stop.
"Oh my lord, camz are you ok!" I yell running to her and dropping my glass bottle. She got up and had blood running down her nose and in her mouth from her busted lip.
"Lolo it hurts." She says.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up." I say walking towards the bath room, but before we could get to the bath room Jessy came out of the driver section. He looked horrible. His skin was fleshy and some of it falling off. His eyes were yellow with crusted blood in the corners. His teeth was yellow and broken, some even missing. Dinah went up to help him, but before she could get close to him he snapped his head over to Camila and I. I'm guessing he saw the blood be cause he came lugging forward. I jumped in front of her and Jessy bit me in the arm. We both fell to the floor and he started to attack me. Dinah ran over and helped me get him off. Normani ran over to Camila and tried to shield her from the site she was seeing. I had blood running all down my arm and I had a puddle of blood pool around me. I started to feel light headed. I started to see fuzz in my vision. I could hear Dinah yelling to stay, but it was muffled. I felt another sharp pain ,but this time in my leg. I was in so much pain I couldn't stand it. I let go.
I knew what was going on. If you watch a lot of horror and fiction movies you knew what was going on. He was a freaking zombie! They don't exist, but do they? I don't know! I am so freaking scared.
I tried to get the thing off Lauren but I wasn't strong enough. I could tell Lauren was coming in and out of consciousness, but I didn't want her to let go. I pushed his head away from her face only for it to bite her leg. I was so scared. I ran to the kitchen drawer and took out one of those big kitchen knives, I ran back over to the zombie and full force stabbed it in the head. I could feel the blade break the skull and enter in his brain. I almost cried. I never signed up to be a freaking zombie hunter! As it fell to the floor I picked up Lauren and kicked the door open. Mila and Mani ran out behind us. I was running for the woods and dodged trees. We were running for like a good ten to twenty minutes before we came across and old cabin. I busted the door open and went into one of the rooms. I laid Lauren on the bed and went to get a first aid kit. I noticed that Normani brought the knife I stabbed Jessy with. I knew she wanted to be safe so I let it slide. As I was about to open the door to a closet I heard something scratch on the door. With in the blink of an eye something came flying out of it.

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