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I was trying to wake up, but I couldn't. It was like I was in a bad dream. I tried to move, but my body was just not responding. I knew I was under a car, because I heard the girls talking. I hope they are okay like really. I miss talking to them.
All of a sudden I saw a flash of light. The next thing I knew I was in a white room.
"Normani!" Dinah yelled to me. It was like a far away yell.
"Dinah! Where are you!" I yelled back. All I could hear was her screaming. I started to run towards the voice. It felt like I was running for hours. I finally saw bodies lying on the floor in the distance. I started to run towards them and when I got closer I saw what happened. Dinah, Lauren, Camila, and Ally were all on the floor covered in blood. It looked like they got attacked. Everyone's body was limp, not moving, except for Dinah's.
"N-Normani I wanted to s-say th-at you are the b-best thing that we could h-have a-asked for. Your a g-great friend. I-I lo-ve y..."
With that her head fell limp and she was gone. It felt like I cried a whole ocean. I started to scream and cry. I couldn't control it. All my friends were dead!!! I couldn't do anything. There was nothing to hit or punch or throw. I was so mad, sad, and confused at the same time.
Everything started to fade and then all of a sudden I was under a car. My eyes flew open and I took a deep breath. I didn't know where I was and I couldn't really see clearly. I saw bodies in the distance. I shuffled from out under the car. I grabbed a big rock and held it up as I walked around them, ready to defend myself. I remember we were in a zombie apocalypse. As I started to get closer and my vision was so blurry. I was about to come up behind one of the zombies when I heard a familiar voice.
"Camila! Duck!!!"
The thing turned around and grabbed the rock that was in my hand. I could see that this thing was a girl. I started to struggle and that's when I heard it.
"Normani, calm down. It's me, Camila."
After Camila beat those zombies I got up and helped Lauren up. I went over to my hatchet and picked it up. As I was turning around I saw someone. I could recognize her from a mile away.
I saw that she had a rock and was about to hit Camila. Camila was looking for her because just a few minutes ago she was in a coma. I yelled at Camila to duck.
"Camila! Duck!!!"
Camila heard me and she got the rock from Normani's hands and got her to the ground.
I ran over there grabbed Normani's body and sat her in my lap. I started to calm her down.
"Normani, baby it's me. Calm down your ok. I have you. We're not gonna let you get hurt. Baby open your eyes."
"D-Dinah? I c-can't see. It's blurry."
"I know baby. It's probably cause you haven't used your eyes in a while. I will carry you back to our hut."
I picked up Normani and looked at Camila and Lauren. I did a small nod telling them that we should go before it gets dark. We walked past the zombie bodies that were laying on the ground, heading to a place to make a hut.
I'm glad that Normani woke up. I thought she was not gonna wake up to be honest. Camila and I went out to look for stuff to make a hut. After a while we gathered enough supplies. We took things from the cabin like a blanket and water, just things like that. Dinah handed Camila Normani while Dinah and I made the hut. We made it big enough for 4 people so Dinah could sit inside for a watch tonight. After I started a fire and we all gathered in the hut, Normani would not let go of Dinah or anyone she was handed to. She was like a child.
"Normani, you ok?" I asked her.
"Uhhhhh... Well I had a bad dream while I was in the coma. I dreamed that you all died and I was the only one left. It freaked me out and I don't want it to come true." She answer me.
"Baby that will never happen. I will always protect us and keep all of us safe." Dinah said.
"Yea same goes for me." I said to her to get her to calm down.
The night before I snuggled up to camz basically spooning her. She didn't complain because it gets cold at night. Even if you have a blanket it is still cold. Normani sat in Dinah's lap like a kid. She had her front facing Dinah's front. She had her head in the crook of Dinah's neck. Dinah threw a blanket over Normani's back and it covered the both of them. Dinah stayed up all night watching the outside and Normani.
I got up and went out side to see the fire had burned down. I put a couple of logs on the fire to get it to start back up. Before 12:00 it is usually cold. After noon the air lightens up and it gets hot. A few minutes later Camila woke up. I told her to watch Dinah and Normani while I go out searching for different sites or just something. Dinah had fallen asleep a few minutes after I woke up. Basically she fell asleep when Camila woke up. Her and  Normani were still asleep and I didn't want to leave them with out a pair of eyes that were closed so I told Camila to stay here.
45 minutes later
I was waiting for Lauren to get back when I heard a crunch in the leaves. I turned around and was about to kill someone. Then Lauren yelled out,
"Camila! It's me! Its me!"
"Fuck! Lauren you can't scare me like that. You have to say hey I'm here or something. You can't just sneak around."
"Sorry I though Normani and Dinah were still asleep."
"No they woke up about 10 minutes ago. They are in the hut talking and catching up. I'm watching the fire. I was waiting for you to get back."
She came over to me and sat beside me.
"I found a little town we can go explore. It has a lot of little abandoned shops. You up for it?"
"Ok I'm gonna go tell the others."
I walked over to the hut and moved out little make shift door out the way so I could get in. Normani was laying her head on Dinah's lap while Dinah was stroking her hair.
"Hey I found a little town we can go explore. It has tons of shops?"
"Ok we will be out in a bit." Dinah said to me.
After we got ready, Camila put the fire out and we were on our way. This time no one was carrying any body. Thank God.
I got really into this chapter😁
I hope you guys like this chapter, the next chapter will be eventful trust me😉
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