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So everyone's has been on edge a little bit because of what happened. I was walking to go get some fire would when I saw about three zombies coming my way. I decided to go back to the camp. That's what I call it because we haven't moved yet. Well I got back to the camp and told the others. Every one got out a weapon just to be safe. We could hear them coming our way. I started to back up to give me more room to fight when I tripped. I landed right on the fire and I couldn't get up. It was burning my lower back and I started to scream from the pain. Normani, Camila, and Ally came rushing to help me while Dinah and Troy fought the zombies. So now I can't even wear a shirt because it was a 3rd degree burn. It burnt all the way down to my back muscles. That is how bad it is. Well mani found one of those big white patches that she used and it only covers my lower back, so I'm currently not wearing a shirt. I am in a bra and pants. The weird thing is that Camila is staring at me longer than you should with a friend. Like she will stare at me and one time I caught her. The only thing I did was wink. It's moments liked this when your so glad you have a six pack.
I told Dinah I would go get food for us to eat, so I took my knife and I'm hunting.
God Lauren is so fucking hot. Her six pack and everything is just so fuckable. It's literally making me go crazy. The other day I was staring at her and she winked at me! I mean does that mean something? I decided I am going to tease her. Like I'm gonna do everything thing I can to make her fall for me.
I was walking to go get fire wood, when a zombie came walking towards me. I went to hit it with one of my pieces of wood, when a knife went through its heart. It fell and behind that monster was the one and only Lauren Jauregui. I looked at her and smiled.
"Thanks. Do you want to walk back with me?"
"Yea sure. Come on let's go."
As we were walking back I 'accidentally' dropped a piece of wood. I walked in front of Lauren and bent down to pick it up. I poked my butt out more than I should have just to get her attention. I could feel her staring at me. I mentally gave myself a high five. I picked it up and kept walking. When we got back to the camp I put the wood on the fire. Troy and Ally were inside the shelter making it more comfortable for us. We made it big enough to fit 6 people. I think we are going to stay here for a while. I mean I don't mind. Lauren slapped the two squirrels and the three rabbits on a huge rock we found. She started to clean them for us to cook and eat. Dinah and Normani came back with some water we can boil and drink. They had a whole bunch of water. Like a lot. They put it in a metal bucket they found. This makes it easy so we can just put the whole bucket in the fire and it won't melt.
So Troy and I are setting down little leafs that will make it soft for us to lay on. I turned around to get more leafs when Troy's hand met mine. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I was looking into his eyes, when I started to lean in and I could see he was doing that to. I felt a warm pair of lips on mine and I started to savor this feeling. He really knew what he was doing because before I noticed it I was moaning into the kiss. I got closer to him and started to straddle him. I was running my hands through his hair as he was running his hands slowly up my shirt. His soft hands met my breast and started to lightly squeeze it over the fabric. I let out a deep throated moan. I heard him let out a little groan as I started to grind harder into his boner. I felt a little patch of wetness in my underwear as he started to thrust up a little.
"Ally I want you but if your not ready I understand." He said as he started to squeeze me a little harder. I moaned than said," fuck... I want you so bad Troy. I'm so wet for you baby."
He flipped me over and started to attack my neck. He was biting and sucking and licking every where. I knew he was gonna leave a mark but I didn't really care. I just wanted him.
I was slowly grinding into Ally when I felt her pull on my belt buckle. I lifted off her and started to undo my pants. After I did that I undid Ally's pants. I didn't want to make her do something that she didn't want to do so I asked her one more time.
"Are you sure Ally?"
After I heard that I thrusted into her.. Hard. I could see thy pain on her face so I slowed down. I reached my hand down between us and started to run her clit. As I did that I heard a really hot throaty moan come from Ally. Ally literally felt like heaven. She was so tight and wet. I started to pick up my pace as I heard Ally's breathing quicken. I could she her face and it was so beautiful. She was beautiful. Her eyes were closed shut and I hit that spot in her that made her arch her back and scream my name.
I started to go harder. Pounding her till she was cumming. To see her unravel under me was the most hottest thing ever.
"F-fuck Ally I'm gonna c-" and with that I dumped my load in her. After I got soft, I pulled out and rolled over to lay by her. I rapped my arms around her.
"Ally, I love you."
"Troy... I love you so much too."
I gave her one last kiss before pulling my pants back up and helping her up off the leafs.
We went outside to see everyone's eyes on us.
"Well some one had fun..."
Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I broke my arm👌🏽. Then I had to have surgery so I got a cast today. My summer is literally washed down the drain cause I can't swim or even walk, so yea. Well the next chapters are going to be eventful just to give y'all a heads up. Be ready.
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