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Ok so guys I figured it out. I'm doing a Jurassic World fic. I have already started working on the first chapter. I am using a lot of people in this one and just to let y'all know, some people won't survive. I mean it is Jurassic World. The fic is gonna be called Jurassic Camren
Ok so like I know what Ally and Troy were doing. They act like the hut is sound proof. I heard Ally basically screaming. God I wish that was Camila and I. I do wish. When we heard Ally scream really loud and then everything get quite, we all knew that it was over. The rest of us were sitting around the fire when they came out. I just had to say something to make Ally blush.
"Well someone had fun..."
"Oh no... We were just putting leaves down. You know." Ally replied. What was so funny was Dinah jumped in.
"Oh yea when you set down leaves you definitely scream, GOD TROY DON'T STOP! HARDER! DEEPER! FASTER! UHHHHGGGG!" Dinah mocked in an Ally voice. Both their faces turned so red and we all started to laugh. We were laughing hard. Ally and Troy came and sat down on a log by themselves. We handed them a piece of squirrel. They both ate in no time. It was now dark and we were looking around and watching behind us. We finally agreed to go to bed and get some sleep for tomorrow.
"Ok so like how we gonna sleep?" Dinah asked.
"I call by Troy!!!" Ally yelled.
"Damn Ally! Calm your tits!" Dinah said as she put her hand out. We all started to laugh.
"I think Camila and Lauren should spoon together while Dinah spoons me." Normani said. We all looked at her for a little while.
"What!?" Normani said like it was nothing. We all agreed and this is how it was. From left to right.
Troy spooning Ally. Me spooning Camila(which I was so trying not to get a boner, notice I said trying). Then Dinah spooning Normani. Then this is where it got awkward.
"Lauren can you please take that freaking knife belt off." Camila said as she moved her ass against my boner. It cause me to moan, then she stopped after she heard me.
"What knife belt? I took that off hours ago."
"Oh... Well ummm..."
"Oh! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry."
"No it's good... It's normal. It's nature."
"No I-this has never really happened. I-I'm sorry."
"No it's fine."
After that I moved back a little and everything was quiet till Dinah had to speak up...
"Aww does Lauren's little friend like the Cuban ass in front of it?" Dinah said in a baby voice.
"Hey fuck you and I am not little!" I said back.
"Aww is someone getting de-" Dinah didn't get to finish before Normani cut her off.
"Dinah can you shut the fuck up? You have a fucking boner too. I can feel it, I just didn't want to say anything. Like its poking into my asshole. Ok, now you both are even. Can we just go to sleep now."
It got quite for a while till Troy spoke up,
"So like your not small?"
"No, I'm 11 inches. And Dinah is too."
"Damn! I'm only 10 1/2!"
"That's actually not really bad."
"Yea I guess."
"Don't worry babe, your really big to me." Ally said to Troy.
"Ally can you stop being horny?" Camila said.
After that we all fell into a peaceful sleep. We had a door so we didn't have to keep watch.
The next morning we all got up about the same time.
So like Lauren has gotten like hotter. It's like she has gotten so hot. Last night it took all of me not to jump her bones or maybe just one bone in particular. I know I'm being horny but like we're in a zombie apocalypse. The only action your gonna get is stabbing a zombie. Lauren asked me if I wanted to go hunting and I agreed.
We were walking through the woods when we came across a rabbit. It was a good size one too. It looked like it would serve about three people. Gosh I want it so bad. I was trying to be quite when Lauren lifted her sword to throw. She was about to throw it when a spider came down on my shoulder. I looked at it then screamed... Loud. I started to swat it off, completely forgetting about the food in front of us. The rabbit looked up, then jumped away before the sword could reach it. As it hit the dirt it stuck straight up.
"I-I'm sorry I- there was a s-spider and I don't l-like spiders." She started to walk back to the camp. I followed her not wanting to be alone.
"No! Just don't fucking talk to me right now! Like how fucking could you!"
"Lauren I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry that I messed it up."
We were back at the camp now. As we were yelling everyone was looking at us.
"Fucking hell Camila. I'm so hungry and I was waiting on food like that! Fuck!"
"You know what Lauren. Fuck you! Fuck you and your stupid face because I said I was fucking sorry! I'm fucking sorry that I am not fucking perfect! So you know what, Fuck you. F-U-C-K YOU!" I said looking her in the eyes.
"Gladly." She said to me. Before I knew what was going on I felt a soft pair of lips on mine. It was like someone set off fire works. I started to move my lips in sync with hers. I wrapped my hands in her hair and started to tug at it a little. I heard her groan in response. She moved her hands from my lips and went down to grab my ass. She squeezed just the way I like. I don't like it, like it to soft. I like it a little ruff. Not to much, but maybe just enough. See what I did there. Cause like our song Worth It, that's my part. Oh what ever back to kissing. She started to squeeze a little harder and I was moaning loud. All of a sudden we heard a voice.
"Damn Jauregui, get'n some. Go on with ya badass."
She pulled away and started to reply. Her hands never left my butt as she talked.
"Shut it Hamilton. We all know you want that Polynesian dick. We all know you want it bad."
"Shut it Jauregui!" Normani said as her cheeks turned red. I noticed that Lauren was still grabbing my ass so I pushed my ass further into her grip where she squeezed it again. All of a sudden we heard a little squeak from Normani and we turned around to see Dinah sucking her face off. After about a couple of minutes Normani was sucking her face back. Normani reached down and grabbed Dinah dick through her pants. Dinah bucked up to the touch and moaned. Dinah's hands ran up to Normani's breast and squeezed it hard making her moan.
"Ok, ok love bugs. We need to figure out how to get food." Ally said.
"Damn! It's like a love triangle." Troy said smiling.
"Troy shut the hell up and help me." Ally said bending down to pick up one of the log seats and move it. Troy got behind Ally and started to make a humping move and fake slap her ass. He started to make faces to make us laugh.
"Troy stop and help me babe."
Troy quickly stopped and his face turned red from being caught. All of us were trying so hard not to laugh out loud.
"Gosh I love you guys so much." I said as everyone smiled.
There we go! A little bit of Camren and Norminah. Just for you guys. I will let y'all know when chapter one for Jurassic Camren is out. I hope y'all will enjoy both books. This next chapter is gonna be coming soon and I think it is gonna be more norminah right now. Hope you guys in joyed.
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