Lauren(months later)
So we got up extra early to get on the move. We left that old house/cabin behind. We have been on the move for about three months I think. We have just been building our own huts and making fire. Dinah normally hunts while I watch the girls. Normani, well she has been in a coma ever since I gave her blood. Sometimes she will twitch like she is waking up, but then never does. It's kinda sad to see Dinah get her hopes up, then watch them get crushed. I hate it. Dinah has just been carrying Normani around everywhere we go. Normani is looking a lot better though. Like her skin has cleared up and is not flaky and ew. I think she will be waking up soon. We have shifts. Like tonight is my night to watch while the others sleep. We found a map and right now we're in Oklahoma. We're close to finding Ally and I'm gonna be so happy if I find her alive. She just brings so much light into our group. It's just you never know what you have until you lose it. My arm and leg are starting to heal. Today I was able to take the bandages off.
Right now we're walking towards the border between Oklahoma and Texas. We're hoping to find Ally.
"Dinah do you need me to carry her. You look like you need a rest?" I asked.
"No I'm good. Let's just keep going." She replied. We were walking down this road we found. In this little box back in the cabin, Dinah found a compass so we're using it and we figured out we needed to go east. So we are heading east to the boarder. As we were walking Dinah collapsed onto the ground.
"Dinah!" Camila yelled.
I ran over to Dinah and picked up Normani. Camila helped Dinah up and we started to walk again, this time with Normani in my arms.
"Ralph really you can give her back, I'm fine." Dinah tried to convince me.
"No DJ for real you need to take a rest. I got her, I won't let anything happen to her. I promise." I reassured her.
15 minutes later
"Lauren do you see that? It looks like a group of people." Camila said.
"Wait then that means we're not the only ones left!" Dinah yelled.
I looked at them then said,"Let's go!"
All three of us took off running, Normani still in my arms. As we got closer, the people started to become more clear. Very clear.
I regret saying something. It's not people it's zombies. I started to panic as we stopped dead in our tracks. They were surrounding us. There was about 7 of them. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it is. I saw Lauren quickly thinking of a plan. There were a bunch of deserted cars and just a bunch of junk down this road. Lauren came up with a plan. I thought it was pretty good because it didn't involve me fighting.
"Camz, I'm gonna hand you Normani and your gonna go hide. Dinah and I will try to fight off these zombies best we can. If we don't make it. I love you and Normani ok. I will always love all four of you. If you have to, run be brave. Even if we don't make it ok." All of us had tears running down our eyes. This might be the last time I see these girls. Lauren handed me Normani then pulled out her knife that she had in her holster.

 Lauren handed me Normani then pulled out her knife that she had in her holster

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(Lauren's knife^^^^)
Dinah pulled out her hatchet.

Lauren looked at me one last time before her and Dinah ran into battle with those cannabinol's

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Lauren looked at me one last time before her and Dinah ran into battle with those cannabinol's.
I pulled out my hatchet as Lauren and I ran into battle. They didn't notice us at first until I hit one in the head, completely decapitating it. Lauren stabbed some in the heart as I was aiming for the head. We looked like two awesome fighters. I was swinging my hatchet like a boss, while Lauren was stabbing her knife like a boss. I went to swing at one but another zombie came up behind me and knocked me down. My hatchet flew out my hand and when I turned over, I was surrounded.
I have really been getting into this book! Like I don't usually finish or work on my books because I get an ideas and once I write down that idea I lose interest in it. This book is just so awesome to me. Maybe because I like zombies and things like that. Well hope you liked it and maybe next chapter will be in Ally P.O.V.
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