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"No, no you can't be serious cheechee. That makes no since."
"Chancho I know what I'm talking about. I know because I have watched those zombie movies, the ones you were to scared to watch."
I walked over to the side of Lauren's bed that she was laying on. I picked up her wrist and felt her pulse. It was a steady beat so that was really good. I went to turn around when I heard Normani's stomach growl.
"Why don't you and Camila go search for some food in the pantries over there and I will go hunting." I said to them.
"Ok we will see if we can whip something up." Camila said as they walked away.
Im not gonna lie, I'm terrified at the thought of being stuck in a zombie apocalypse. I've seen those TV movies where those dead bodies roam around looking for nothing but flesh and blood. I just don't want to think about this right now. To think we just came back from one of the most hyped concerts of t- OH GOSH!!! ALLY! Oh my gosh Ally went with her cousin back to Texas! I hope she is ok and not getting eaten.
"Mani! What about Ally! She went with her cousin back to Texas! What if she is not ok." I said turning around to face mani as we were walking to the kitchen.
"Camila. Calm down, she is fine ok. She's a tuff little person ok." Normani said to calm me down.
We just got done raiding the kitchen for food. We found some canned peaches and pineapples. That's about all with the kitchen. All of a sudden I heard that raspy, angle voice.
I woke up in this weird run down room that wasn't the bus or my room back home. I felt pain in my leg and arm. I looked down and saw some stitches on both of my body parts.
"Hello?" I managed to croak out. I heard some foot steps, then I saw that beautiful face I am blessed with every day.
"Hey. Lauren babe how you feeling?" Camila said. That is a nickname she picked up for me. We're not together (even tho I wish we were) I don't think she is in to girls.
"My head hurts, my arm and leg hurt bad. I'm good tho how about you camz?"
"I'm good laur and thank you for saving me on the bus. I'm glad you and the girls were there."
"Where are the girls?"
"Well Mani is behind me and Dinah is out hunting for food."
"Oh ok. Hey mani."
"Hey Lauren I'm glad your feeling better."
"Yea me too."
Camila moved from the bed and handed me a glass of water. Dinah came back in the house in a hurry and when she came back in we were shocked. She walked in covered in blood and guts.
I found food and also found those brain eaters too. They were every where and I just couldn't shake them off my back. I will admit it was pretty scary but i managed. I hope we can get through this... Together. No man left behind. Right?
Hey guys I'm trying to update as much as I can. I'm sorry the chapters kinda small but I can't have all the action in one chapter can we😉. Well comment and vote. Love you guys and if you have ideas please feel free to dm me or comment it. I really would love y'alls ideas. So if you would do that.💋

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