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"Get over here you loser!!" Dinah yelled at me after we got out of that stupid clothing store. I ran over to her with tears in my eyes. I have missed her so much!!! Actually I have missed all of them so much it's unreal. After a while of Dinah and I hugging, all the other girls joined in. We were a crying mess. I forgot about Eric, Ariel, and Troy behind us. They gave us a little time for a reunion before Eric spoke up.
"Well Ariel and I are going to go. Are home is here. Where ever y'all decide to go we wish y'all the best of luck."
"Eric I want to thank you for doing this for me. For taking care of me when I couldn't form words. Thank you so much!" I said hugging him really tight. I made a little wet patch on his shirt from my tears. He had tears in his eyes but he never let them fall. I did the same with Ariel but she let the tears fall not caring about what every one thinks. I looked at Troy and told him thank you for saving my friends.
"Even though I don't know you, thank you. I want to get to know you, so if you want to come with us you can?"
"Ummm... Sure I guess I will." He said smiling at me. I turned around to the girls and decided we need a game plain. When I turned around Troy put his arm around me and I could feel sparks.
I saw the way Troy looked at Ally, then put his arm around her! We're fixing to have little baby's running around I swear. Ally was telling us about how Eric told her that this scientist messed up on a formula for curing cancer and he made a zombie. The zombie got out of containment and it ate all of his workers. He locked him self in a safety room and she says that he is all the way in California. We made a plain to go find him and ask him how to stop this. We will tell him that I'm the cure and maybe he can come up with something. If that doesn't work, then I guess we're just gonna have to survive for the rest of our lives. I would hate to know that mine and Camila's kids would have to live like that. I would just no- WAIT!
What did you just say?
I don't know!!! I can't help but think of Camila like that. I know that she doesn't like me back but I can't help it. She is just so... Hot! Gosh what I would do to get close to her.
We were walking trying to cover some ground before we have to stop and build a hut to sleep in when Normani found a bat.
"Hey! A bat! I call it! I want to smash some zombie heads!" We all laughed at her enthusiasm. When she was swinging the bat back in forth she was getting really close to me. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my groin. It hurt like hell. I fell to ground holding my dick. It really hurt. It took me a minute to know that Normani had hit me there. Everyone was really confused until Normani showed us what she did with the bat. When she did that she hit Lauren in the dick even harder than me. Lauren fell to the ground and she was on all fours throwing up. That is how freaking hard Normani hit her.
"Guys what the fuck. It shouldn't hurt that bad." Normani told us.
"You don't understand." I said with pain in my voice.
"Understand what!?"
"We have something to tell y'all. I really wasn't going to tell y'all but I guess I have to now."
Lauren got done throwing up and she stood up and took the bat from Normani. She handed it to Troy to keep safe and away from their privates. Lauren and I sat down on the ground, still holding our dicks.
"Well ummm... Lauren so you want to tell them?"
"What the fuck Dinah!, Lauren said shoving me in the arm,"well ummm... Dinah and I were born with a... You know...a umm.. D-Dick. Dinah and I have grown up together as you all know. Well when we were in elementary school and middle school and high school we got bullied for it. We basically got bullied our whole life and I didn't want that to happen again so we hid it. Dinah and I have been through everything together and I didn't want y'all to think we were gross and disgusting. I personally hate myself for this stupid extra part that I was born with because all my life I have wanted to be normal. I just had to except the fact that I wasn't and Dinah has been helping me with this problem. There were days when I didn't want to even get out of bed. There were days when I would have to go over to Dinah's house because here mom called at 3AM saying Dinah needed me. There were times when I wanted to kill myself. I just- I didn't know how to deal with it. Then when I found out Dinah was like me, I was so happy to find someone like me and someone who understands me. I only told one person about my problem and that was Sofia Mendaling. She was the love of my life. The most pretties girl in the whole school. Well it turns out she only got close to me for my secret. Once she found out she went running back to her boyfriend and the next day the whole school knew. I-I felt like my world just blew up in my face. I was so stupid. Dinah helped me through it but I- we were so terrified of the things those kids would do to us. We have been tortured our whole life and- and we just couldn't help but think that y'all would do the same." Lauren said wiping her eyes. I was full on sobbing at this point. I promised my self that I would never look back in the past and just live for the future. All of a sudden I felt arms around us. I flinched and said,"p-please don't hurt u-us!" Then I heard Ally's angel voice.
"We would never ever in a million years hurt the both of you. Gosh I never knew that that was y'alls back story. I'm so sorry for all those people that hurt y'all. I promise that we will never do that to the both of you ever." Lauren and I heard the rest of them agree to what Ally said. When they pulled back I didn't know that we had all of them in tears. Even Troy let out a few.
"So like are y'all, big?" We heard Camila break the silence.
"Camila!" Normani yelled making us all chuckle.
"What I was just asking!" Camila held her hands up defensively. This is why I love them so much.
Hope y'all liked it!! I tried to get deep into the feels. If you have ideas PLEASE DM me or comment some. I really am up for ideas.
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