Ok so before I start I just wanted to say things are gonna change. This book is gonna get a little weird but just don't stop reading because it's gonna get good. Some ships are gonna change. Not Camren because that is like the OTP of the book but just some relationships are gonna change between the other three girls. I am making a twist to this book. I was talking to my friend and she said that Camila and Lauren look a lot alike. They could be related. That got me thinking...

I woke up in my room. Gosh! Thank the lord that was just a dream!! I rolled over ready to go back to sleep, when I felt a body. Oh no no no no no!!!
"No! No! No! This can't be true!!"
"What the hell are you yelling about at 9:00 in the morning?!?"
"Lauren we didn't.... Did we?"
"Oh yes we did. Let me just tell you the way you were talking to me was just... Damn girl you got a mouth on you." Lauren said smiling.

"Fuck Lauren tell me you pulled out..."
"Well... You begged me not to so.... I exploded in you."
"No! No! No! Lauren I'm not on any birth control or anything like that!!!!"
"It's all your fault!!"
"What do you mean!! I'm only 17 for crying out loud!"
"Damnit Lauren! Your 20 years old!! Not 17!!"
"Hey it's not my fault that I can't remember!!"
"Lauren now is not the time!!"
"No!! It is!! Tell me why you won't freaking date me!! What is so bad about me!!? You act like I'm a b-"
"Dammit Lauren! YOUR MY FIRST COUSIN!!!"
After that Lauren just looked at me in shock. I found out a few days ago to. My mom called me to break the news before I did something stupid but... I already did something stupid, very stupid.

"Your-your w-wrong. That's not true..."
"Yes it is Lauren. Y-your mom and my mom are... sisters."
"How come I never knew this!"
"Lauren calm down please."
"No! I will not calm down! Your my cousin. My first cousin! I might have gotten you pregnant because our family won't tell us anything important!!!"

I don't know why, but I started to cry. I felt hurt. Lauren thought I was disgusting. The tears started to run freely and I ran out of the room to the bathroom. I didn't want to be near anyone right now. I might be pregnant with my cousins baby. I just can't think straight.

Hey guys sorry I have been MIA. I am struggling with myself. I'm sorry it was short but I just wanted to drop a bomb shell on you.
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