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So we were close to the Oklahoma border. We had set up different little huts and stuff like that to survive. We were walking threw this little patch of woods, when we came across this town. I started to get all excited.
"ERIC!! Look we can get food and clothes and weapons!"
"Yea Ally we can. Let's go." Eric said chuckling. We started to walk into the little town and I thought I was going crazy. Did I just hear Dinah? Or was it Lauren?
"Y'all be quiet real quick." I said to them holding my arms out to stop them.
"I swear if you touch her or Normani I will fucking destroy you!"
It came from far away but I knew that was Lauren. Her voice gets high when she is mad.
"Oh fuck that's Lauren!" I said running for a clothing store. Eric and Ariel ran after me.
I ran up to the door and yelled at this guy that had his fucking hand down Camila pants. Ok now I have to admit that pissed me off... A lot. Camila was trying to tell and get away but he was holding her.
"YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MILA YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" I took Eric's gun and cocked it back to load it. He started to talk.
"Ok, ok. Hey but first can I do something before I die?" He asked dropping mila. She crawled over to Lauren.
"Go ahead but make it quick." I said to him.
He walked over to Normani and snatched her from the man, along with the gun the guy had.
"Try anything and I will blow her fucking brains." He said and Dinah started to flip out and try to get out of the rope. He walked her over to a table and bent her over. He whispered in her ear,"If you fucking scream I will blow her brains out and make you eat them bitch." He said pointing to Dinah. She was crying by now, like really hard. I went to walk closer but he pointed to gun at me.
"Bitch. What the fuck did I say?"
I backed away. He started to grind into Normani's butt. She was crying harder and I wanted to do something. He took his hand and pulled her hair back.
"I want you to look at your friends while I fuck you. I want them to see how they can't help. How you suffer."
She slowly turned her head to look at us. He yanked her pants down and started to unbuckle his. I couldn't just stand there and watch. He only had three body guards so I just quickly shot all of them in the head. I pointed the gun at him knowing I had one last bullet. His face slowly turned pail. I knew he was surprised. I was fix in to shoot him when the most hottest guy I ever have know walked in.
"What the actual fuck Austin. Who are these people! Why are these two girls tied up! What the fuck we came in here to get clothes!! Pull your damn pants up and let that girl go you stupid fuck!!" This man said to Austin. He immediately did what this man said. This guy walked over to Normani and picked her up. Brought her over to Dinah and set her down.
"I'm so fucking sorry for my stupid little brothers actions." Dinah didn't say anything she just sat there along with Lauren. He took out a knife and Dinah flinched. He just looked at her while he slowly grabbed her hands he cut her and Lauren out of the ropes. He helped them up and brushed them off.
"Oh by the way Troy when you get done helping them you can go somewhere else cause we're kicking you out on your own." The guy with I think is Austin said. Before the hot guy to say anything I said something.
"He can come with us you fucking dirtbag." He looked at me and smiled. We all walked out of that store and left that stupid Austin dude in there. The guy turned us around and introduced him slept to all of us.
"Hi, my names Troy."
Damn even his name is so fucking hot.
I hoped you guys liked this chapter. It was pretty eventful. From now on the chapters will be eventful.
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