I was cuddled up to Dinah when I heard someone crying. They were scream crying. I woke Dinah up and we went to check it out. As we were walking to Camila's room, we meet Ally and Troy out in the hallway.
"Who's crying? I'm trying to sleep!" Ally said. We all looked at each other with wide eyes because we knew who it was. Lauren. I quickly opened the door to be meet with an empty bed. Lauren was sitting in the corner of her crib, crying her eyes out. It's only 9:30 in the morning, where the hell is Camila? Dinah rushed over to pick her up and get her to stop crying.
"Ralph! Ralph calm down. Baby what's wrong?" Dinah asked Lauren.
Lauren pointed down to her morning wood. I felt bad for her. In her mind she is 4, but her body is still a 19 year old hormonal teenager.
"Hurt... Ow." Lauren said still crying. She was scratching at it, trying to make it stop throbbing.
"Guys I got this." Dinah said. We all let her, considering her and Troy are the only ones who know what to do about it.
"Ralph, how bout we go swimming. Manibear will help you put on your swimming suit, ok?"
"Otay." Lauren said as Dinah handed her off to me.
"Dinah, how is that gonna help?"
"Well if you think about it..." Dinah said as she put her finger straight in the air.
"Cold water+morning wood=..." She slowly curled her finger down.
"Oh!..." I said getting it. It's like a cold shower, but Lauren proof.
I got Lauren into the pool and she loved it. She was hanging onto me for dear life because I guess she couldn't swim. I forgot she's baby Lauren. After about 20 minutes we got out and got ready for the interview which is at 11:00. We walked inside and saw Camila come in with just a sports bra and her compressional shorts on. I could tell she went for a jog. She came up to us and said good morning to Lauren. She kissed her the for head and hugged me. She went up to take a shower after greeting everyone.
It was 10:45 and we were about 5 minutes away from the interview. We pulled up to the place and everyone got out. I got Lauren out of the car and then the flashes started. Lauren started to freak out and she was crying. Lauren put her head in the crook of my neck while the girls and Troy tried to shield is from the cameras. As we got inside Simon came up to us.
"Hey wook! Uncle Simon!" Lauren yelled. Simon knew about Lauren so he just smiled and tickled her side.
"Hello girls. Well today we are going to get you girls into some makeup and then we will be ready. Girls, y'all will be talking about Lauren and the music. I think you girls will be asked personal question, I don't know yet. I want all of the girls in makeup. Now!" Simon said as some crew led us to the makeup stations. There were five chairs and five different girls standing there waiting on us.
Skip to the interview
So I carried Lauren out to the stage cause she wouldn't let go of me. This is how we sat down.
Normani, Dinah, Lauren, me, then Ally. Troy was backstage watching us. The interview was going good and we kept Lauren entertained. She asked us about Lauren and we went down the line.
"Well she was released from the hospital at 2 yesterday. She has been really sweet. We decided on different jobs we have with her." Normani answered.
"What do you mean by different jobs?" The interviewer asked.
"What she means is that we have a responsibility and mine is to help Lauren out with the bathroom and getting her to bed. Normani's job is to get Lauren dressed at night and in the morning. Ally cooks and does the shopping and stuff for us. Camila gives Lauren a bath and gets her ready for bed, then Troy usually will get down on the ground and just play with her." Dinah answered.
"So how old is she in her mind?"
"Well she is 4 in her mind but she acts like she is three." Ally said. Ally went on talking but I didn't hear cause Lauren started to whisper in my ear.
"Camzi, I weally need to go wee-wee." Lauren said holding her crouch.
"Lolo, your gonna have to wait, ok?"
"Camzi, I can't."
"Yes you can."
After that I went back to the interview and focused on that conversation. A couple of seconds later I heard Lauren whimper and then she started to cry.
"Waaaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaa."
We all looked at each other. We then realized Lauren had peed her pants. Dinah got up and picked Lauren up to take her backstage. Dinah was gonna change her and bring her back out later.
I took Lauren to go to the bathroom and change her but it wasn't that simple. After I changed her I have her a glass of water. Notice I said glass. Lauren was drinking until she noticed Camila was not with us.
"Where is Camz?"
"She's on stage."
"I want her."
"Lauren she is on stage."
"No! I what camzi!"
"Lauren she can't co-"
And before I knew it Lauren threw her glass of water right at my face. It hit my eye brow and sliced me. It was a long and deep cut going from my hair line all the way through my eye brow. I was bleeding, bad. Lauren was having a fit and I went out on stage to go get Camila.
I walked out on stage and every one gasped at me.
"Oh my lord. Dinah what happened to you!!" Camila shouted.
"Ummm... I gave Lauren a glass of water a-"
"Wait you gave Lauren glass!?" Ally asked.
"Ugggg... Dinah." Normani said as they all got up from the sofa.
"I'm sorry but were gonna have to go." Ally said to the man. He nodded and we walked off stage. They all knew the reason was that Camila wasn't with Lauren. As were walking to were Lauren is I saw Troy holding her and trying to calm her down. Notice I said trying.
Y'all I'm getting into this book. I love it. I hope y'all enjoyed this. I wrote it cause I couldn't sleep so there.
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