So I decided to stay home while the rest of the girls and Troy went out for a little while. Lauren has become more mature after the little interview mess up. We talked to her and I told her that I'm not gonna be able to be around her all the time. She understood and now I'm about to get in the shower. I walked down stairs to tell Lauren.
"Lauren, I'm going to take a shower. You be a good girl and don't get into anything I wouldn't, ok?"
"Ok camzi. Love ya."
"Love you too!" I yelled walking to my room. I shed my clothes and got into the shower.
So camzi was getting in the shower and she said don't do anything she wouldn't do, so I went to that cabinet I saw her go to the other day. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I took a spoon and smashed the glass. Dj taught me that. After I did that I grabbed a glass bottle. I couldn't read what it said. I opened it up and took a sip. It burnt my throat as it went down and I loved that feeling. I started to drink it faster and faster and faster. I grabbed more bottles and drank them. I started to feel weird. Like I was floating. It was weird. I felt weird.
I got out the shower and dried my hair. I put on a sports bra, a yellow shirt and just some compressional shorts. That is what I wear at the house. I walked down stairs and I heard a loud bang. I began to walk faster down the stairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw glass on the floor. I looked up and saw the liquor cabinet was broken into. Lauren wouldn't... Would she? I mean she is only 4. Well technically she is 19 but that's not the point.
I turned around and saw all 6 of Dinah's vodka bottles laying on the floor. I jumped as I felt hands on me. I turned around and Lauren was there. She just smiled at me as if she wasn't super drunk.
"C-camzi, I wan na fuck you. Hard. I like to hear you scream my name. I-I like to feel you scratch my back. Dig your nails into my skin..." Lauren slurred. I was backing up till my back hit the wall. My breath hitched as Lauren got right up in my face. Her breath smelled like vodka. She reached down and palmed me through my shorts. I threw my head back and let out a moan.
"Lauren. Don't, you don't know what your doing. Your drunk."
"But I want you.. Now." Lauren slurred. She picked me up and threw me on the couch behind us. Lauren started to kiss my neck hard leaving little love bites. I could feel Lauren's hard on through her jeans. I was trying to push her off but I couldn't. She has always been stronger than me. She started to grind down on my center. Pushing her erection harder into me. No matter how good it felt, this was wrong.
"Lauren you need to stop! Get off!"
"Fuck camz your gonna fucking scream my name. Shit, yesss..." Lauren said grinding on me as she drew out the word.
"Lauren Jauregui! I'm serious get the fuck off me!"
"I'm serious. Your gonna fucking scream my name camz. Fuck camz say my name again. It's hot.." Lauren said ripping Camila's shirt off.
"Lauren... Fuck stop! You need t-" before I  could finish my sentence Lauren stuck her tongue down my throat. I had both hands on Lauren's shoulder trying to push her away, but I just couldn't. I was to weak. Now I wish I wouldn't have skipped gym day. Lauren stuck her hand between us and reached for my button and zipper on my pants. That is when I started to freak out and kick at her. Right when she stuck her hand down my underwear some one yanked her off.
We were getting back from Apple Bees. Camila said she didn't want to go and that she would just stay home with Lauren. We were walking up to the door when I heard something.
"Lauren Jauregui! I'm serious get the fuck off me!"
"I'm serious. Your gonna fucking scream my name camz. Fuck camz say my name again. It was hot."
I looked at the girls with a, what the fuck face, I hope they heard that.
"Did-did y'all hear that. Lauren wouldn't... Would she?"
"Well I'm not gonna wait and find out!" Dinah said as she got her keys out. She was struggling to find the right one.
"Oh fuck! Dinah to need to hurry. Lauren just ripped Camila's shirt off her body and now her hand is down her pants."
Right as Normani said that, Dinah threw the door open. She rushed over to Lauren and pulled her off Camila. Camila fell into my arms crying. I felt bad for her. Dinah placed Lauren on the floor and she turned over and threw up everywhere. She tried to get up but just fell back down. Dinah picked her up and carried her up stairs. Dinah gave passed out Lauren a bath a put her to bed.

It has been 25 minutes and Camila still hasn't stopped crying. I felt so bad for her. Normani and Dinah cleaned up the glass and the bottles and the throw up. Camila told us what happened after Dinah and Normani sat down.
"Well ummm.... I went up stairs to take a shower and when I got done I walked back down stairs. I heard a loud crash and I ran down the rest of the stairs to see glass everywhere. I went to clean it up but then I turned around and saw Lauren. She grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. She was talking about how she wanted me to scream her name and how good she could make me feel and I-I...."
I rubbed her back while Dinah told her if she didn't want to continue she didn't have to. She started to talk again.
"And the part is... I kinda liked it.." She said looking at us and breaking down again. I decided to take her upstairs we put her in her bed and we all went to our rooms. Troy left to walk from the restaurant because he lived 5 minutes away.
I went into my room. I got ready for bed. Gosh I hope tomorrow is a better day, cause this one was shit for this house hold.
So what did y'all think about Lauren?
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