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I told the girls to just forget what happened yesterday because Lauren was drunk. She didn't know what she was doing. I wanted to forget the way she turned me on to. I didn't want to think about, but I think I like Lauren. Not like as a friend. That's the point. Gosh! Why does Austin have such a little baby dick!!

All of a sudden I heard a loud scream. I had went down stair to get coffee when someone screamed. I set my cup down and ran upstairs. I got to my room and saw that the rest of the girls were all ready there.
"Why the fuck am I in this fucking baby crib! And why the fuck do I have a fucking diaper on!" Lauren yelled. She stood up and got out the crib. She had monkey footie pajamas on. She stood up and un zipped the pjs.
"Do you know how fucking hot it is in here!?"
"Lauren watch your mouth!" Ally said sternly.
"Who the fuck do you think you are! Definitely not my damn mom!" Lauren snapped back.
"Wait Lauren how old are you?" Dinah cut in.
"16. Why do you want to know?"
We all looked at each other.
"Ummmm... We will be right back. Hey can you get dressed?" I asked.
"Damn.. Anything for you mami.." Lauren whistled at me as we walked out the room.
We all walked outside. I was really confused. Like Lauren was 4 yesterday, then she got drunk and now she is 16. THE ALCOHOL! Lauren got drunk then passed out!
"Y'all! The alcohol! She passed out and now she is 16!" I said.
We all talked for a little bit then went back in to her room. She was on her bed with some skinny jeans and a black Lena Del Ray tank top on. She looked at us and came over to us.
"I'm sorry for the way I treated y'all. I was looking through my phone and found this picture." She showed us the picture of all of us posing for a picture in our stage costumes. We all looked happy and together. Before Lauren had a crush on me. Or before I knew about the crush she had.
"I remember this. I do. It was the first day of our reflection tour and I gave my mom my phone. She went to my camera and yelled girls cheese. That was the best feeling in the world. How old am I really?" Lauren asked.
"Well, your actually 19." Ally said.

"Ok well Lauren get in my car, your going to the doctor." I said.
"I don't wanna go to the doctor!!"
"I will stop and get you ice cream." Right as I said that Lauren was already down the stairs.
The lady handed us the chocolate and vanilla comes through the little window. Camila passed me my chocolate one and I started to lick it. Camila drove off towards the doctors office with hers in her hand. She went to lick the cone, her pink tongue stick out to run across the vanilla ice cream. I was so turned on. I could feel my self growing in my pants. She licked the cone, then put it up to the steering wheel to turn. She had white all across her lips and I couldn't help thinking that that was my jizz was on her lips. Her pink tongue darted out across her lips to lick it off. Camila turned in my direction and smiled at me. I smiled back knowing that I was gonna do everything in my power to get this girl.
"Lauren I hope you don't mind, but I invited Austin. I don't know if you remember him, you know my boy friend."
"Yea I remember dick head."
"Hey! Your gonna be nice to him. He is my boyfriend after all!"
"I don't want to be nice to him, because if he wasn't your boyfriend, then you would be mine!"
"Lauren I'm not gay."
"I'm gonna get you Cabello. Your gonna be screaming my name in the future."
"I'm your dreams one hit wonder." She said as me and her jumped out the car. We walked to the front door and walked in.
"You know you want this Cuban dick. I bet I'm way bigger than Austin."
"No y'all are the same size."
"Right... You just keep telling your self that."
"Lauren can you not. Austin is here."
"What ever you say mami." I said slapping her ass. She just turned to me and mouthed stop. I rolled my eyes and followed closely behind her. She went up to Austin and kissed him passionately. I made a gagging sound and they turned to me.
"Lauren say hi."
"Hi dick water."
"Lauren! Be fucking nice."
"The only nice thing I want to be fucking is you mami."
"Lauren shut the fuck up. I have a boyfriend!"
"Who is standing right here..." Austin cut into the conversation.
"What ever let's get this over with." I said sitting down.
2 hours later
The doctor wanted to talk to me so I followed him out side. They had done tons of test and thing on Lauren.
"Well it seems like Lauren thinks she is 16. She remembers her life before, but nothing above 16. Just like I said, surround her with familiar things and just thing she might remember."
"Ok I will, thank you."
"Have a nice day."
"You to!"
Skip the ride home...
I walked Into the front door and went to see the girls in the kitchen. Lauren went to her room.
"So what did the doctor say?" Dinah asked.
"He said that Lauren believes she is 16. She remembers her life before 16 but nothing after it. He said to surround her with familiar things to jog her memory."
"Oh ok. Well we can do that. Supper is ready so Camila go get Lauren." Ally said.
"Ok I will."
I walked upstairs to Lauren's room. I didn't even think about knocking, which was a big mistake...
I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my phone when I found a picture of Camila. It was a really hot picture of her. Like really hot. I felt my member grow. I put my hands down my pants and palmed my shaft. I quickly pulled my pants down. I still had the covers over me. I started to think what Camila's mouth could do for me. Oh god and that ass. It is so perfect. Damn and that voice. I started to go faster staring at the picture. I was so close. Right as I was about to release, someone opened the door. I didn't stop jerking off.
"No it's fine. I'm just jerking off to a picture of you.. God I'm close.."
"Ewww! Don't tell me that! Lauren!"
"Fuck.. Camila suck me hard!!! Shiiiii...."
I said releasing all over my covers and hand.
"Fuck. Well I'm gonna go clean up."
"Lauren your so fucking nasty."
"Camila don't act like you didn't like it."
"I didn't. Well what I came in here for was to tell you dinners ready."
"Ok mami. Be there in a minute."
"Lauren stop calling me that."
"I'll stop calling you that, when you start calling me daddy."
"Well that's never gonna happen."
"Oh well mami."
"You know what! Fuck you Lauren!"
"Ugggg!" Camila said storming out my room. God I love her.
Tbh: I don't know where this story is going, but I'm doing my best so bare with me. I hope y'all enjoyed it.
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