I walked down stairs after I changed my clothes and washed my hands. I walked up to the table and sat down. I went to grab a roll, when I got my hand slapped away by Camila.
"Did you wash your hands?"
"Yes mami I did."
"I don't want you touching the food with your dick hands."
"Omg I'm sorry that I have needs Camila!"
"Here and just shut up!"
"Okay mami."
"God Lauren if you don't stop calling me that!"
"Or what? I already said I will stop if you call me daddy."
"I'm not gonna fucking call you daddy!"
"Okay mami."
By the time we got done fighting, every one was staring at us.
"What did Lauren do that was so bad and she needed to wash her hands?" Normani asked.
"Oh I walked in to her jerking off to a picture of me." Camila said.
"It was a fucking hot picture to." I said. Everyone started to laugh and we all sat down and ate.
I was reading a book, when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!"
Lauren walked in looking like she was going somewhere.
"Hey will you go to the movies with me?"
"Please! I have asked everyone else and no one wants to come!"
"Please Camila! Pleaseeeeeeeeee?"
"Ugggg fine."
"Yes! Dress casual."
"Yea what ever."
Lauren just stood there as I got up. She walked over to my bed and sat down. Was she really gonna sit there and watch me change? Who am I kidding, she's Lauren. I decided to get my clothes and change in the bathroom. I got ready and walked out.
"You know you didn't have to go to the bathroom to change."
"God Lauren stop being a pervert."
"Sorry that's just me."
At the movies
Lauren bought our tickets and the popcorn, much to my disagreement. I told her I would pay for my stuff but she refused to let me.
"You know Lauren, you never told me what movie were watching.."
"Oh we're just watching The Purge: Election Year."
"What!?! Lauren you know I hate scary movies. Especially the ones with blood!!"
"It's fine camz, you have me to protect you." Lauren said winking at me. I rolled my eyes as we went to find our seats. We sat behind this couple that we're talking and giggling. They looked really happy.
We were watching the trailers when I ran out of buttered popcorn.
"Hey camz I'm gonna go get more popcorn. I will be right back."
I got up and walked out to get more popcorn. I came back to sit down, but as I was walking up the stars to our seat I saw who was I front of us. It made my blood boil. Austin was touching all over this blond headed women. He was suppose to be with Camila. I can't believe he would cheat.
I sat back down beside Camila and I felt guilty. Really guilty because I wasn't doing anything about it. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Camila can you hold my popcorn real quick?"
"Yea, why?"
"You will see." With that I grabbed our coke and dumped it on Austin in front of us. He turned around quick and started to yell at me. When he saw Camila he froze. I saw Camila tear up and I lost it. I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him out of the movie theater. Camila and that blond woman followed us out.
I threw him down on the ground and started to beat him up. I was punching him when Camila came up to me and stopped me.
"Lauren stop! He is not worth it! Lauren please stop for me!"
I stopped punching him and looked at Camila.
"Let's go." I said and grabbed her hand. We walked to my car and got in. We drove home in silence. When we reached the house, I parked the car and looked at her.
"Look... I'm really sorry for what Aus-"
"Don't. I'm fine, lets just go inside." With that Camila got out and walked inside. We got inside when Dinah spoke up.
"How come we didn't get invited? I wanted to go see the movie."
"What are you talking about cheechee? Lauren said y'all rejected her."
"What no! She never asked us."
Everyone looked at me when Camila spoke up.
"So you lie to me, then I actually agree to go to the stupid movie with you. While we're there you beat up my cheating boy friend. Then I come home and find out you just lied to me to get me to go out with you."
"No! Camila that's not w-"
Camila said that then walked into the kitchen. She came back out with a wooden spoon and started to beat me with it. She was hitting me and yelling at me about lying to her.
"Don't fucking lie to me!"
"Ok damn I'm sorry!"
"No your fucking not!!"
"Yes I am!! Damn Camila stop!" By now Normani and the girls had gotten up to stop Camila from really hurting me. When Dinah went to hug her she broke down in her arms. She was crying really hard. I felt bad for her, Austin did just cheat on her. I did lie to her. Damn I'm so stupid! Dinah carried her up stairs and put her to bed as I sat down on the couch.
Normani and Ally sat down beside me.
"That really hurt.. A lot. I knew she didn't really like me, but to hear her say it like that..." I said as a tear ran down my face. Ally and Normani pulled me in for a hug and the next thing I know is I'm asleep.
Y'all I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I went to the beach for two weeks. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. More drama to come. Oh and another thing I'm not gonna continue Jurassic Camren. I just don't feel it.
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