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I was about to open the door to the closet, when something came out. It lunged forward and started to attack me. It was smelly and it had those green/yellow eyes. I had blood stringing down its mouth. I was silently screaming. I couldn't find my voice in this chaos. I had my mouth open with my hands around this beasts neck. I felt the string of blood drop into my mouth. I started to gag as I pushed his head between the closet door and the wall. I slammed the door and crushed his head. I ran back to the room that Lauren was in and I grabbed the knife from Normani. I stuck it up to my chest. Normani and Camila started to scream at me to stop.
"What the hell are you doing Dinah give me the knife back!"
"Don't step any closer! It got in my mouth. The blood got in my mouth!"
"Cheechee, don't do it. Please!"
I realized that I wasn't going to turn, so I put the knife down. I walked off to go find a bathroom to wash my mouth out. I I hated the taste of dead blood in my mouth.
I walked back in the room with a first aid kit. Normani was sitting in the chair beside the bed, while Camila was laying in bed beside Lauren.
"I found this under the sink." I said as I handed it to Normani. Her mom was a doctor so she learned some stuff from her mom.
I went over to Camila and picked up her sleeping body. I sat in the chair with her cuddling into my neck.
I got out the thread and sewed up some of her cuts from that damn glass bottle. After that I took out the alcohol and then she started to wake up a bit.
"Hey laur. How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Ummmmm- my head hurts and my leg and my arm." She said to me.
" well laur I'm gonna have to fix up your cuts so I'm gonna need you to be still, ok?"
"Yea, ok."
As I poured the alcohol on her arm she started to scream in pain and move around. She was thrashing at this point and I couldn't hold her down anymore.
"Dinah! Fuck, help me!!" I screamed.
Dinah was now holding a very awake Camila. They both came to help me out. Camila held her arms while Dinah held her legs. There were tears streaming down her face. She was hopelessly yelling and screaming. I was thinking that this noise could be a burden so I grabbed the little bit of cloth from my arm sleeve and cut it off with the knife. I balled it up in my fist and shoved it in Lauren's mouth. Her screams were now muffled, giving me a chance to think. My mom always told me the best way to heal holes was not to stitch them but to let them heal on their own. I grabbed the ace bandages from the first aid kit and rapped them around Lauren's arm and leg. The bites were pretty deep and would take a long time to recover. I just don't know why she didn't turn. I mean in movies they usually turn in like a minute. Right?
I know why Lauren didn't turn. It's that drink, I mean I think it is. Zombies are stunned by the chemical Glinko Biloba. It's a chemical in energy drinks and can come in like little energy tablets. Lauren drank those stupid drinks like 4 or 5 times out of the day. She literally could down one in a minute than open another one right after it. Don't get me wrong they are really good for you. It's kinda like a emery green tea thing. It improves eye sight and prevents urinary track infections. It does all kinds of good stuff for your body, but four to five of them a day! Really. The one flavor she really likes is the Mango Peach Punch. It has to be in a glass bottle and that has to be the flavor or she will literally go crazy. So I think that is why she is so immune to the zombie infection bites and is taking it like a real champ.
"Mani, I know why she didn't turn."
"I mean I have watched a lot of zombie movies and stuff, but I think it's that drink. It has that chemical Glinko Biloba. That a zombie stunner."
"I don't get what your saying cheechee?"
"It means... Lauren is the cure."

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