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I looked down at Dinah's face. Troy and I were carrying Dinah to the hole we dug. It was only about walking distance from the hut. The girls were in charge of making the tombstone for Dinah.
As we got there we gently placed her down into the hole. We didn't want to throw her cause I feel like that would hurt her. As we stood up, Troy went to grab a shovel.
"Can I have some alone time with Dinah, please?"
"Yes, of course."
"Thank you." I said to Troy as he walked away. I bent down and started talking.
"Hey Dinah. Remember what you said to me before Camila went all G.I Joe on those zombies. Well when you said, we are in this together. We will be in this together through the end. We will fight till the zombies are gone. What happened? Dinah this is very funny. You just jump up out the grave and start laughing. Come on Dinah. Dinah wake up and stop being dead. Dinah! Please wake up!" All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Lauren, baby, breath. Please please breath."
Camila said as she tried to calm me down. We sat there like this for a long time and she just rocked me back and forth. I looked up at her and kissed her.
"I can't help but think this is one of her stupid pranks that she likes to pull. Like back on the bus. She said that we would stick together. Camz, she said she would help me through this. It's my fault. Gosh, if I would have just killed the stupid zombie!"
"Baby, it's not your fault. Stop, it's not your fault."
I just buried my face into her neck and cried. After a while Troy and the other girls came to see Dinah before we covered her up. They brought the piece of wood that was carved really good. The tombstone said,"In loving memory of Dinah Jane Hanson. She was loved by many people and will be missed.
Normani was a mess. She didn't know what to do. The one person she loved is dead. I just can't imagine.
After we covered up Dinah, the girls put the tombstone down at her head and we all headed back to camp. As we were walking back to camp I started to feel light headed. I saw fuzz in my vision and then I couldn't keep my balance.
"Troy!" I yelled as I grabbed onto him. He was closer to me.
"Lauren! Lauren can you hear me? Lauren can y..." Everything started to fade away. I was fading away.
I woke up to a bright light. I let my eyes adjust to the bright light that was shining in my face. As everything started to get more clear I could see that I was in a hospital room. I started to freak out. I yanked the I.V out of my arm and I started to freak out. The nurse was trying to hold me down but couldn't. All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice.
"Ralph, calm down. Look at me, calm down."
"D-D-Dinah? Dinah is that you?" I asked as I stopped. When I looked around everyone was in the room. All my family, all four of the girls, and... Austin?
I looked at Dinah and hugged her really tight.
"Dinah! Your alive! Oh gosh, Dinah! This can't be true though. I buried you. I saw you die."
"Ralph, why are you talking about?"
"No this is just a dream. I'm gonna wake up and then I'm gonna have to go back to surviving."
"Ralph, this isn't a dream. What are you talking about?"
Then all of a sudden the doctor joined in,
"Mrs. Jauregui, can you tell us your dream that you had?"
"It's wasn't a dream! It felt so real. But yea I will try. Wait weres Camila!?"
"Lolo, I'm right here." Camila said as she came up to me. I looked at her more beautiful than ever. I grabbed her neck and pushed her face towards me. Our lips met. The thing is she didn't kiss back. She pushed me away. Hard.
"Lauren! What the hell!"
"What do you mean, what the hell!?"
"Why did you kiss me!?"
"Because your my girlfriend!"
"No I'm not! Lauren I'm married!" Camila said as she held up her hand and showed me the ring.
"Austin and I are married Lauren."
"Oh. Im so sorry. I didn't know." I said with a sad tone.
"Well my dream was, where Ally went to go visit her cousins and her family while the rest of us went to go to Oklahoma for a concert. Well our bus driver got bitten by a zombie and then he freaked out and almost crashed the bus. Long story short, Camila and I were fighting and she said, FUCK YOU, to me and I said gladly and we kissed. We became a couple. Dinah and Normani wee tighter and Ally and Troy were together. Well towards the end of my dream Dinah was fighting off a zombie and-and-and.." I said but couldn't finish. I looked at Dinah and said, " this will prove it, watch." I pulled up her shirt and showed her stomach. There was nothing there but a six pack. I ran my fingers over the area where Dinah was stabbed in my dream.
"No but this isn't right! Dinah you fell on a knife and it went into your stomach right here. Dinah you died. I buried you."
"Lauren you have been in a coma for 3 months. The doctors said you wouldn't wake up but we keep on believing. We weren't gonna give up." Ally said.
I tried to take in this information. Was all that really a dream.
"But how did I get into this coma?"
"Well you found out that Camila said yes to Austin and you drove away. You were going so fast you didn't see this car run a stop sign and he hit your side of the car." Normani said.
"But why wouldn't I be fine with Camila's marriage? I mean if I love her I would want her to be happy. And I do I love her so I want her to be happy. Even if it means that I suffer." I said looking at Camila. They all had tears in there eyes. All of a sudden Austin jumped up.
"Ok mila, we need to go. I remembered we have to do something. Say bye."
"Oh ok. Umm bye guys." And with that they left.
See that is how it could have gone, but this is how it really went...
I woke up in this room. I saw a big flash of light. I didn't know where I was or who these people were. I looked around scared for my life. As I was looking around I saw this really pretty girl. She had chocolate eyes and the best smile. She was absolutely gorgeous. I liked her. I saw some other faces but I couldn't stop staring at her.
"Hello I'm Dr. Michele. I was wondering if you could tell me your name?"
"Ummmm... I-I don't know it. I'm sorry."
"No it's okay. Can you tell me what year it is?"
"What's that?" And with those words everyone's heart broke.
"Lauren you have been in a coma for three months." I stared at her. Wait what!?

Lauren Jauregui was not Lauren Jauregui anymore.
Whoa... Plot twist...
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