I couldn't help but notice how beautiful Camila looks. Like she hasn't had a shower in months! None of us have. We literally stink, but Camila doesn't smell. She smells like vanilla! I don't know how she does but she does. She is so perfect like literally. God I'm so whipped. Even I will admit it. I can't help but grow a little in my pants at the thought of actually making love to Camila. Like making her feel something she has never felt. To make her scream my name. To make her w- God Stop Lauren Your Literally Making Yourself Hard Right Now!(just to let y'all know bold italics is when a little voice in there head pops up)
I was walking by Camila and leading Dinah and her little "child" to the town while also trying to hide a boner. God and her smile is the best thing ever. I wish I could just grab one of her lips between my teeth.
Ok Lauren you really need to stop before you get caught with a boner.
I need to talk to Dinah alone. She will understand me considering she has a dick like me too. We were getting really close to the town so I started a conversation with Camila.
"You know we entered Texas?"
"Really!? So we are close to finding Ally!!" Then her face dropped.
"If she is still breathing."
"Hey don't talk like that. She is, we know her Camila, she would put up a fight before going down. No matter how small she is, she packs a punch, let me tell you."
"Thanks Lauren. You always know how to make me smile."
"My pleasure Mrs Cabello."
"No. Please don't call me that." She said giggling.
"Why dose it make you feel old?"
"No it makes me feel like a mom."
Well I bet Lauren wouldn't mind having kids with you.
I smiled at her ignoring my thoughts that are going through my head.
God Lauren you would probably fuck her till the bed breaks or fuck till she can't walk.
Gosh why can't my head shut up!
We reached the town. I turned around and told them that we need to stay together so we can be safe.
We were all walking together through this dusty town. I really truly didn't have a good feeling about this town.
I decided to let Lauren know.
"Lauren I really don't have a good feeling about this town."
"Dinah look at me, would I ever try to harm any of you? I already checked this town. We're good."
Right as the words left Lauren's mouth we heard a scream.
I turned to look at a little clothes store. I pulled out my hatchet and Lauren pulled out her knife. We ran to the store and right as I ran in, I felt a blow to my face. It was a really strong punch. I fell to the ground dropping my hatchet. I could already taste blood in my mouth. I turned into my stomach and spit the blood out. I saw Lauren right on the floor beside me doing the same thing. I looked at Lauren then I nodded my head once. When she saw that it was our signal to get up and fight. Lauren and I jumped up to fight but as I jumped up I felt a harsh blow to my side. It felt like I broke all my ribs. I couldn't breath. I saw they hit Lauren in the leg where she got bit. She fell to the floor in pain. Camila and Normani were screaming our names. I felt my arms being tied behind my back. I was pushed up against the wall. Lauren got thrown beside me.
Third person view
This guy started to talk to Lauren and Dinah telling them what he was gonna do.
"Oh don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you two, but the other two girls look... Fuckable. You know in a zombie apocalypse you don't really get that much action."
"Perhaps we got off on a bad start, hi I'm Austin." He said holding his hand out for Lauren to shake.
"Oh right I forgot. You can't shake hands. That's fine. I just greet you my way."
He turned to Dinah and kicked her HARD in the stomach. He did the same with Lauren. They both were a moaning mess, they were both bloody and trying to breath. Every two seconds they would spit out blood that had pooled in there mouth from the impact of his kicks and punches. After a while he turned to the two crying girls and decided to mess with them a bit.
"Hey. I like you. Your so fucking hot." He said grabbing Camila's face and forcing her to kiss him. All of a sudden they heard a little shriek come from Austin. He pulled back and spit blood. She had bit him on the lip as hard as she could. He looked at her and laughed. He brung his arm up and slapped her. Lauren jumped at how hard he hit her. Lauren was angry... Really angry.
"Oh really. I would like to see you try." Lauren tried to struggle out of the rope but that only caused one of the boys to punch her in the face.
Austin grabbed Camila and bent her over a table. There sides were facing Lauren and Dinah. He wanted them to have a great view of what he was about to do next. Lauren and Dinah were thrashing now. They were furious. He ran his hand up her shirt and started to squeeze her boobs. He was squeezing hard causing Camila to scream out in pain. He took his hand and ran it over the fabric of her ass. He slowing moved to the front of her jeans. He brought her right in front of Lauren and Dinah. He slowly un-buttoned her pants and slid his hand down her pants. He was being way to hard and rough for it to be enjoyable, and one more thing he was a stranger with weird teen hormones. Lauren started to thrash around and was going crazy. One of the guys punched her twice. Camila was screaming but it was muffled by Austin's hand over her mouth. Then a voice boomed from the door.
"YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MILA YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" Then we heard someone cocking a gun back.
Like I said I made a little action for y'all. I like to leave y'all on the edge of your seats. I thought it was getting a little boring so I added a whole lot of spice to it. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I will try to post in a couple of days.
Vote and comment💋

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