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Lauren was laying in the bed when all of a sudden she pops up.
"I-I remember!!! I remember you and you and you and you and you!" She said pointing to the girls and Troy.
"Your D-Dinah, ummmm... Jane!" She said pointing to me.
"Your Ally Book Hernandez." She said pointing to Ally. That one made me laugh because she said book.
"Lauren it's actually Brooke, but you did really good." All said to Lauren. Lauren nodes.
"Your ummmm.... Normani Koday."
"Well um Lauren its actually Kordei, but I'm glad you tried."
"Oh and your Karla Camila Cabello." She said pointing to Camila. We all looked surprised at her full name. She remembered it.
"Your Troy but I never knew your last name." We all chuckled a bit at Lauren's cuteness.
"And I'm Lauren Michelle Jauregui." She said jumping up and down clapping her hands in her bed. The doctor came in and she pointed to each of us and said our names. Then she pointed to herself and said her full name. Her family wasn't here right now, it was just the six of us. Troy came with Ally. Austin was coming later.
"So do you know anything else?"
"Well I know that I was in a band, but that's it. I'm sorry." The doctor nodded, then walked off. He said he needed to talk to us outside for a minute. We all walked outside and he began to talk.
"So you are gonna be able to take Lauren back home in a couple of hours. We're gonna need y'all to sign some forms for us. We have contacted her family to let them know since they are all the way in Miami. What I need you girls to do is to surround Lauren with familiar things. Just anything familiar to get her memory back. Right now her brain level is at like 4 years old. If you can surround her and try to bring back her memory it won't be permanent. I need y'all to do this and if you don't then she could be stuck to grow up all over again. I need one of y'all to sign these papers. The Jauregui's insisted a Camila Cabello?"
"That's me." Camila said raising her hand. She walked with the doctor and they went to go sign release papers.
We walked back into the room and Lauren was giggling with Troy. This made me smile because just to see them happy. I went over to Lauren and started to talk.
"Hey Lauren, your gonna come home with us in a few hours."
"Ok. You are very pretty."
"Thank you."
After that I went to sit down by Troy. We were holding hands when Lauren spoke up.
"WAIT! Where's Camz!!? I WANT CAMZ!!" Lauren said with scared tone. She started to look around for Camila and then she let a few tears out. Camila came walking back into the room and she saw Lauren. She went over to Lauren and hugged her tight. After a little bit she tried to pull away but Lauren wouldn't let her. Lauren held on tighter to her as she tried to pull away. Camila just decided to sit in the bed with her.
After a while Austin came into the room and went to kiss Camila. She was still awake with Lauren by her side. Both girls fell asleep, but as Austin came in they woke up.
Austin walked over to the side of the bed and went to kiss Camila. Right as their lips were about to touch, Lauren put her hand over Camila's lips.
"No! My camz!" She said as Austin pulled away confused. Lauren still held on to Camila. Camila got away from Lauren, when Dinah distracted her with her phone. They were playing a dog game that Dinah had downloaded. I went over to talk to Austin. We were all talking, but Dinah and Lauren.
"Ok so like Lauren accident caused her to be like 4 in her mind. She is really attached to Camila. We don't know why." I said.
"Maybe it's because of the crush she had on Camila before. When Camila said that she wasn't gay and that she didn't like Lauren, Lauren like was so mad and sad. That is why she ran out in the road like that." Normani said.
"Yea that could be it. I think that's the reason." Austin said.
"CAMZI!!!!" A voice broke us from our conversation. Camila smiled at Austin then gave him a quick kiss. She turned to Lauren beds and she started to baby talk her.
"Wook! I made you a doggie." Lauren said smiling at Dinah's phone.
"That's really good lo. I'm gonna go sit down and want you to be a big girl and play with Dinah, ok?"
"Otay camzi." Lauren said as she went back to playing with Dinah.

The doctor came in and told us that Lauren can go home and we were all excited. It was all going good till Lauren had a problem with walking to the car.
"No! Me don't want to walk. No! Me no walk!" Lauren whined.
"Well I don't mind carrying her for y'all." Austin said. We all were really happy that Austin was trying to get on Lauren's good side. It was clear that Lauren did not like him.
"No! Me no like you. You stupid! Me want Trwoy!" Lauren yelled at Austin. Troy came over and picked her up with out any effort and started to carry her. She put her face in the crook of his neck and on the way from the door to the car she fell asleep in Troy's arms.
Well this is gonna be a long recovery.
Ok so i know I changed the plot on y'all and yea. I really didn't have any more ideas for the zombie chasers so I thought what if Lauren just dreamed all that while she was in a coma and woke up thinking she was 4. So there is still gonna be Camren. It's just gonna be a couple chapter away. Hey, at least everyone's alive😁
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