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So Troy got Lauren into the house and all five of us sat down to talk about our duties.
"Ok," Ally said," I have decided that we need to work together to get Lauren through her day. So I have dished out some responsibilities that I want y'all to hear. Camila, you are in charge of giving Lauren a bath and washing her. Normani, you are in charge of dressing Lauren. At night and in the morning. Dinah, you are in charge of helping Lauren go to the bathroom and putting her to bed since you to have the same parts. I will cook and will go out and do the shopping and things like that. Every one needs to interact with her, maybe it will jog a memory or something. Do we agree?"
"Well why can't Dinah just give her a bath? Her and Dinah have the same parts." Camila said.
"Well chancho, do you want to help her poo and pee. She is technically only four so she might not be able to control her hot dog." Dinah said.
"Why the hell would you call it a hot dog?" Normani said.
"Well what else am I suppose to call it? A dick?" Dinah replied.
"Dick! Dick! Dick!" Lauren chanted.
"Lauren do not repeat after Dj. Ok?" Ally said.
"Otay." Lauren said.
After a little bit we all agreed to Ally's suggestion. Troy doesn't live with us in our beach house in LA. Sometimes he will spend the night and he has clothes here, but doesn't actually live here. He went back to his house. It was now 6:30. I had just finished cooking and everyone came up to the table. Well Dinah carried Lauren. We put her down in her booster seat. Today we went shopping for all different kinds of stuff. They say that she thinks she is 4, but damn she acts like she is 3. We put her down and I put the tray over her. She had her baby spoon in her hand playing with it. Since I was in charge of dinner and cooking, I fed her.
Normani and Dinah were sitting by each other across the table. Camila was sitting by me and Lauren was right beside me. Lauren decided she was gonna feed herself and she picked up the bowl and smashed it on her face. All of her spaghetti smashed on her face. Everyone started laughing but me. When everyone was laughing she thought it was cute to throw some at me too. She threw her spaghetti right into my face. I got mad.
"Lauren stop! Now. You do not do this at the table."
Right when I said that she stopped and then the girls stopped laughing. We were all done so I told Camila to go give her a bath while the girls helped me clean up.
I carried Lauren up the stairs to my bathroom. We agreed to put all her stuff in my room because it was the biggest. All our rooms are the same size it's just I don't have someone rooming with me. Now I do though. I started to run Lauren's bath water, when I turned around Lauren was trying to take her pants off. She was struggling to get the button out of the hole. Ally wiped off her face with a wet wipe, so she's not that dirty.
"Here lo, let me help." I said and walked up to her. When the five of us first met Lauren and Dinah told us about them being intersex. We all didn't care. We accepted the fact that they were different. After a while norminah happened. The fans went wild and they were ready for Lauren and I to get together but I met Austin and he was really nice.

I got Lauren's pants off and her shirt. I went to turn the bath water off and I helped her get her bra off. She was really, really, really hot. I wasn't expecting her to be that big either. She was about a 10 1/2. Austin was not even close to that. He was only about a 7. I slid her boxers down and her soft "hot dog" as Dinah calls it, sprung out. She just looked down at me smiling. Not realizing how weird this is for me. I now regret un dressing Lauren in the bed room cause now I have to carry a naked Lauren to the bathroom. I picked up Lauren and carried her to the bathroom. I set Lauren down in the warm water. I grabbed the cup and went to pour it over her head, when she started to panic.
"No! No! Me gonna drown! No!" Lauren jumped out the bathtub pulling me down into the water upside down. My legs were sticking straight up, pointing towards the shower head. My head was completely underwater. Lauren was standing there shaking.
All the girls came running into the bath room because I made a big BANG I made when I hit the bathtub. All of the soap and shampoo falling in the water. They all stood there looking at a naked Lauren and a wet me. I  fell over to my side and sat upright. I was soaking by now and I stared at them with an "I hate y'all" expression. I was sitting Cris Cross Apple Sauce in the bath tub that Lauren was suppose to be in. Ally grabbed a towel and agreed to wash Lauren for tonight while I went to dry off.  I walked into my room that was connected to the bath room and put on a pair of compressional shorts. The kind that people wear in volley ball. I went back to see that Lauren was out of the bath tub and drying off.
"what the hell! How did you do that so fast?!"
"Well for starters, don't say cuss words around Lauren and second you have to make her feel comfortable." Ally said to me.
After a while Normani got Lauren dressed and Dinah read to Lauren and put her in her crib. Lauren fell asleep quick.

I went down stairs to see Troy come in.
"Babe, you smell like alcohol. Did you drink?" Ally asked.
"I had a couple of sips, but not a lot cause I was the driver. Shawn wanted to go to the bar. I drove him home." Troy told Ally. He kissed her for head and went to go take a shower.
"Hey Lauren is asleep don't wake her, please!" I told him.
"Ok mila, I will try not to." He chuckled, hearing the desperateness in my voice. Even as a child, Lauren is not really a great person to wake up. It takes her a while to actually wake up and when she isn't awake, she is mean and cranky.
We all decided to go to bed because we have an interview tomorrow. We are going to be talking about Lauren and our new album 7/27. I carefully walked into my room and brushed my teeth. I slid under the covers ad closed my eyes. I hope this interview doesn't end in a disaster.

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