The Demon and His Prodigy

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Down he walks a lonely street, Long after the city's fallen asleep.

He winds along the twisted road, Just to escape his broken home.

A quiet soul, he prefers to be alone. 

He takes the path to a beautiful garden, illuminated only by a single street lamp, its orange glow creating a dreary scene. 

Clouds consume the moon, he approached me silently, without saying a word. And from his cloak he held out a hand, his face covered, I couldn't see his eyes fill with tears as he looked at me.

While the shadows block out his face, His shilloette carpets my shadow.

Who is he?

I sense his presence in fire, I see his eyes in the crippled leaves. I feel his embrace in the wind, And hear his voice in my favorite songs.

He has wings long and strong, black as a night without the moon. They are hidden from all to see, hidden from all but me.

He is gentle as a rose petal, Sharp as a thorn, His heart is like metal, His words a sword.

A brave warrior, sent from God and consumed by Hell. His lessons are deemed wrong, but he teaches so well.

He is comforting, like a winter snow. I chase after this sensation as death to the old.

They say "be afraid" I couldn't if I tried. In his arms I feel safe, Im intrigued by his twisted mind.

Her hair flows in the wind, staring at the arm extended out to her. 

The dark figure presented her a single black rose, covered from stem to bud in crooked, sharp thorns. I starred at his offer, this gift he presented would bind me with him eternally.

Who am I?

He shares his darkest thoughts with me, late night where no one can see. He talks about the world in a way that takes my breath from me, I fell in love with his silent beauty, And his loud anarchy.

And I am drawn to his majesty, how hard it is for me to Love someone so deeply, someone so illuessive and distant, someone so confusing?

Someone who slips away every other night, someone who creeps about, who hides and lies?

How could I love someone like him? Who could never see how passionate my feelings could be. Someone who breaks patterns and routines, someone volatile and frightening like a crash of thunder followed by lightning.

How could someone like him love someone like me? So filthy, so impure and unclean. 

someone who sees at his level, Who wants to walk the broken road next to him, Someone who could love him until the end.

 Who would follow him blind inti the darkness, trusting him with my vulnerability. 

 Who would take his hand even if it were the same that held me down.


With a slight hesitation, my heart skips a beat as my hand reaches out for the ugly thing, its tattered petals falling with a coming breeze. 

His head lifts, my hand grasps the stem. Thorns punctured my hand, sending blood pouring out my broken veins. 

Lightning crashes, and thunder booms, the wind picks up and carries his cloak and my hair. He takes my free hand, and we walk down the path he traveled previously.

Our blood bound together, my angel can never leave me, and i never him. We will walk together through storm and rain, we will walk forever in harmony, as he trains his prodigy, and I bask in the glory of my teacher.

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