My Worth

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My worth is not defined by my virginity or lack there of,
So many years I was taught that it was to be a part of my personality, my character my everything. But I refuse to let that be,
No man has the ability to change me without my being part of it.
No act can define my being
And no one can judge me based off an imaginary concept that has no real value.
I am not a trophy or prize to be won and shown off, I am a human being with individuality that cannot be conformed to a religion's value for me.

I am not a THING to be messured, I am not a price that can be wagered. You are a fool if you believe something so miniscule has any control over me.

My body is a temple, and it is dedicated to two people.
One is my creator and the other is me.
Do not be decieved, what you do with your temple is not up to me, I have no control over you just as you have no say over me.

What I do with my body is up to me.

Be it piercing,
What I wear,
How I walk,
How I talk,
Who I love and how.
As long as I am happy, nothing you say will define me.

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