Maybe I'm the one who is the phyco

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I am so tired of being treated like I don't matter,

I am so tired of getting pushed around and walked on.

Friends are supposes to love and support each other, be there for each other, listen and talk with one another, hang out as a group or individually, friends remember things about the other, friends pay attention, friends want to know. Friends seek you out for you, friends are supposed to care.

So why do I feel like I am the only one doing these things?

Am I just over reacting?

Am I over thinking?

Is something wrong with me?

Maybe I am the problem, am I pushing them away?

Am I being too closed?

Am I being too thoughtless?

Am I forgetting things?

Am I ignoring them?

I don't feel like I am,

I couldn't imagine doing any of that, I love them i would never do anything to hurt their feelings or treat them unfairly. I try to stay as just and neutral as possible. . . but it has to be me because they swear nothing is wrong, they say they love me and nothing has maybe I am twisting things in my mind…

Maybe I am the one that is wrong here...

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