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Safe Place

Winding hallways, a large mansion with no exit, confusing doorways, where am I?

This place makes no sense, like a wonderland. I can't grasp the concept, but how can I?

There is something in here with me and I'm not really sure what it is but I am so scared

Is it even really there?
Entering metal double doors, I explore a bright lit room, unlike the rest of the mansion which was hardly lit by candle and torch lights. There is machinery everywhere.

Where am I?

A table is knocked over, and my body freezes, my breath thins out and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

No, not now. Not after all this way.

I slowly trace my gaze up stairs, and to the balcony that surrounds the high ceiling when my eye catches it

Blurry, Skin, flesh, bright eyes, glowing.

I cannot scream, and I wouldn't dare to as I watch the demon move.

His gaze meets mine and then he is gone, my heart races and I run for the door.

I can't I can't!

Who are you?

Narrow hallways, blurry vision, I feel like I am falling or I am most certainly tripping

Flesh in heaps here and there, soon I notice that the brighter it is, the scarier my surroundings are.

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