Absurd dream.

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"Wake up, you will be late on your first day to your university ". My mom is screeching from the living room.

Oh God my mom has the loudest voice but not more than me. My mom she is perfect in everything. Moms are the wonderful gifts from God. If mom wasn't there sometimes I imagine how my life would be. The thought of that gets monsters out of me. It should have been so tough for the teens and adults who don't have their moms. So in this case am always thankful to God for amazing parent's. I love them to the square of million infinities.

I listen to my moms voice and wake up astonished because the dream which I have just seen was so absurd. The dream was like today is my first day in the Oxford and I am standing in the gate but not entering it. Instead I start running away from the university and reach to a dark forest.

"Who sees such cynical dreams "? I question myself.

Mom barges into my room.
"You are no more on vacation to wake up late. from now on you will have to wake up early otherwise you will be late for your classes." She commanded like a strict teacher.

I hear her talking frantically in a single breath. My mom is too obsessed with punctuality. but she was right I was getting late and it was the first day of my university and I can't afford being late. I got out of my bed and rushed towards the restroom and my moms eyes were on me and could easily notice my perplexed face.

I know it wasn't that kind of a dream that could lead me to despair or something. It was just a dream ,not a big deal but sometimes when you wake up and think about the dreams that you saw it either puts you in dilemma or keeps you guessing. I was may be over imagining things and guessing what this dream would bring. As a phycological fact says that every dream has a story to say.

I came out of my room and saw that my mom has kept some new clothes for me with a letter.
"Hey princess,
Its your first day at your university. I know it is going to be a complete different world for you but I know you will rock where ever you go and make us proud. The only thing I want you to do is, get a little make over and not look nerdish. You are no more in school so I want to you to enjoy this phase of your life. love you.
your amazing mom:)

"You are amazing mom ". I blurt.
This is the best thing about my mom she keeps me surprising everyday. This was like a Protocol at my home every first day of school or any new beginning my mom and dad use to gift me something. I am so fortunate to have them as my parents.

It was pretty red tunic and a denim jeans with very beautiful red shoes. I dressed  up and tied my hair in a pony tail . I don't like leaving hair open. I hurry up and went to the kitchen for my breakfast.

" thanks mom " I hugged her.
"Did you like it "? She questioned me smiling.
" did you like it? ,its obvious I love it thank you so much ". I kissed her.

" why do you write letters when you can tell it to me? " I asked her.
" that's because if I tell you all this you might become sentimental and start crying and I don't want you to cry on the very first day. Seeing you I will also start crying otherwise you know am strong ". She answered me with a teasing smile.
" ya I know how strong you are ". I answered her sarcastically.

" now stop talking and start eating your breakfast your dad is already out waiting for you in the car". My mom guided me.
" we still have time. Why are we going so early? ." I questioned lazily.

My dad is not a procrastinator its just that he like to be early before the deadline and this is one of his best habit that I have it in me also. As usual never likes too be late he started calling my name from outside.
" you know right how far your university is from home and what if there is traffic? That is why you need to be early ". She answered.

I just drank milk and ate few apples and just got off my chair and started heading towards the door.

" Jamie first chew up what ever is in your mouth and listen first impression is always the last and the best impression" she yelled from behind.

Half way through the door I answer my mom " I will remember your advice mom and thanks. "

I get into the car and get seated in the front seat.
" ready " . My dad asked.
" yup" I answered.
It is going to be a long way to the university. Here I go, I am Just thinking how life just turns around everything. There was a time when all I ever wanted to be was a doctor  but  couldn't make it. Now here I am going to Oxford to study forensic studies because my dad thinks its a good profession and I trust my dad wholeheartedly. I don't no what this profession has for me. I don't know where my destiny lies. I know nothing except one thing that is faith in God may be he has some other plans for me.

" I hope and wish Oxford brings glory and joy to both me and my parents " I whispered.
" butterflies in stomach " my dad asked.
"No, not at all ". I smile assuring him.
"Then here we go, we reached" my dad answered.
So now the time has began for the new beginning of my life. all I wished was to make memories .

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