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It took a long way home due to traffic. I reached home and I felt so much of dirt on my face and I was damn sweaty. I was so knackered that I straight away went and slept on the couch.

My mom was obviously disgusted because it was against her rule of discipline.
" are you crazy, you came home and your lying on the couch. Isn't it uncivilized? . " she questioned.

I was exhausted. " mom I am tired stop making a big deal out of it". I kind of screamed. I shouldn't have done.

Mom understood that there was something wrong. " what happened? Is something wrong? " she enquired.

" no mom its just that I am too tired today due to travelling and I m just a little exhausted. That's it. I will probably go get my self cleaned" I stuttered.

" come here" . She demanded as I got up to go to my room from the couch.

" ya mom" I paid heed to her demand.

" sit here" she seemed to talk something serious.

" ya mom" I sat.

" tell me, how was your day and did you make any friends?" I breathed a feeling of relief. It wasn't any serious matter.

" mom college is fun. It's fun because I have made a good bunch of friends. So I think it will be sober and nice" I answered her smiling.

She could sense the positivity from my answer and she smiled. I didn't tell her anything about Eric because I don't want to bother them at any cost. Am sure that me and Eric are both done with the matter and I will tell him thanks eventually. Then we will be as close as strangers. So I thought its a not so important matter to talk about him with mom.

" what are their names?" She asked.

" Taylor, kiara, cheryl, Suzanne" . I answered.

" no boys or are you hiding it from me?" . She jested.

" mom" I ignored and started walking.

" eager to meet them and listen find yourself free to talk to me about anything . I am your friend before being your mom " she advised.

" I know mom" . I shouted from my room.

Talking to mom is the best feeling. I felt so good after talking to her. Basically mom and dad are my world but I share a much stronger bond with my mom rather than my dad.

I changed my clothes and got ready to go to my aunt's home to spend my weekend there with my cousin.

" mom I am ready, let's go" I commanded.

" we will go, first eat something . Aren't you hungry?" She asked.

"No mom i am not" I answered.

" okay lets go"
So we went to my aunts home. My aunt is like a second mother to me and its the best place to go and spend your weekend. But during week days you go to her house you will literally get bored. So its a gala time when all cousins and entire family comes over for a weekend.

" hey , how are you? " my aunt hugged me.

" am good how are you?" I questioned.

" am fine " she replied.

" how tardy you are? . I have been waiting for you since afternoon". Sim started yelling and came out of the bedroom.

" I am not tardy it's just that I was late from university". I explained.

" ya now you found new friends, why will you have time for me now." She commented sarcastically.

" can you please stop being melodramatic about everything? " I requested.

Then we sat for a while with all our elders listening to their boring talks. But didn't last for a while, sim dragged me to the bedroom. Bedroom was our place of escape were we had all our secret talks or were we conspire stuffs. Basically we were lurkers in a good way.

" so how is your university?" She asked.

" Its made up of stones, I guess the paint colour is cream or brown or I don't no I am confused " I answer smiling.

" poor joke " she smirked.

" its good made few friends. Seem to be good people " I answer honestly.

" you will get to know how well they are after few days till then don't fall for them easily, okay " she advised me like a teacher.

Sim she is the best. Though she is the youngest enacts like an eldest one. Prettiest when compared to anyone. She has brown eyes. She has a fair complexion. Fashion maniac. She is still in school and manages not to have a relationship though have few crushes.

" do you know Eric? " I ask her.

" which Eric? " she questioned me with great interest.

I had to spiel to her an entire story and then I guess she remembered which Eric I was talking about.

" oh that Eric, he is Niall's brother " she screeched.

Niall was sim's friend or may be had feelings for each other but never confessed or may be he had feelings for her and she had nothing for him. Too many complications. He was good looking than Eric. He had tan skin, brown eyes. He was damn attractive. If there was a possibility of a love story between him and sim no doubt they would make the best couple the world would have ever seen.

" niall's brother . Explain? " I stare at her.

" one night their mom and dad hooked up and Eric was the result. After few years one more night they hooked up and niall was the result. " she replied smiling.

" lame. Stop being gross." I was disgusted.

" okay I will start it all over again. Niall and Eric's family is from U.A.E When niall was about to be born , the family underwent a huge financial loss so niall's mother along with Eric came over here to stay with her mom till the crisis was in control but it almost took five years for his dad to again build up the empire so during that time Eric and niall started their schooling . So now they are a nice wealthy family. Mom and both the sons stay here and dad in U.A.E due to his business. " she narrated the entire family history.

" impressive, but why do Eric stay in a hostel?" I questioned doubtfully.

" that's because the university is too far from his home and it takes a very long time to get there so" she answered.

" anymore queries ? " she questioned.

" how do you know about all of this? " I ask

" obviously niall is my friend he told me everything " . She smirked.

" friend or something more than that ". I teased her.

" shut up stop believing in skepticism" she got irritated.

" sometimes i am suspicious about both of you, can't help it " I reply.

" okay stop now. let's go have dinner " she commanded.

As we were about to leave sim's phone started ringing.

Sim: "hello"

I don't know what and who was on the phone I just heard her screaming.
" oh shit".

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