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Today was an amazing day. I had the best time ever. Newyork is a beautiful place to live in. We saw the statue of liberty then times square and then maddison square, central Park and tasted nice food. I always wanted to visit America. It is more beautiful than what I saw in the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. we both are so tired. I am always gonna be thankful to Niall for this trip. I am having the best time and all credits to niall.

Me: I am so tired. I will go freshen up.
(After I come back i see him sleeping on the couch. He looks so adorable. He looks like a little innocent boy. No wonder why sim liked him so much)
Niall. Wake up.

Him: what happened?

Me: go sleep on the bed.

Him: no you can take the bed I am okay here and please don't argue my dreams are calling out to me so loudly

Me: ask your dreams to wait. If you don't go sleep on the bed then I am walking out of this room and never coming back. Ever.

Him: where will you go?

Me: Do you think I am joking? Do you really want me to prove my point ? Okay good night.

Him: okay no. I will go sleep.

(He gets up and goes and sleeps on the bed.)

Him: you are so dominating and stubborn but you are amazing.

Me: goodnight niall.

I switched off the lights and lied down on the couch. I closed my eyes and guess what? All the moments that we had today started playing like a movie in my head. The way he smiled. The way he looked at me. Everything. When ever I looked into his eyes I wonder. Sometimes I would imagine how would it be to look in Eric's eyes. I wish I had a time machine then I would have definitely gone back to the day when I left and when Eric asked me I would have told him that we could be friends and we would have begun things. But unfortunately time machines don't happen. Though Niall and his mom and Eric tells me that it was not my mistake but I am always gonna have that guilt and regret that I would have made things right but I didn't. I was selfish and all I thought was about me and my dream.

I didn't know when I fell asleep and it is six in the morning and I woke up in confusion. I just saw Brian in my dream. We were hugging in my dream. I explained myself that it is not a big deal and I don't even like him that much. I usually wake up early at six then do some meditation and then get ready for breakfast. And I am done with my routine and plan to wake up niall but he is in deep sleep so I thought it would be better to wait for him to wake up. Do dreams come true? Yes in my case my dream came true. There was knock on the door.

Me: oh my God.  Brian.

Brian: yeah it's me. Were you expecting someone else?

Me: No. I wasn't expecting anyone. What are you doing here at this time?

Brian: well I knew you must be awake by this time so I took your room number from the receptionist and came.
Me: how do you know that I  wake up so early?

Brian: once I heard you telling.

Me: okay.  can you tell me why your here now?

Brain: look I wanted to have lunch with you but that's not possible because you won't leave niall alone. So I thought I would ask you to have this brunch with me?

Me: but it is just six now. We still have time for the breakfast.

Brian: I know. May be we can talk till then.  Common he is still sleeping. Let him sleep.

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