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I was refraining myself from waking up but I had to otherwise I would miss my bus. I sighed and woke up. Got ready , took my bag and went down for breakfast.

"Have your breakfast fast, there are only five minutes left for Your bus to come " my dad mentioned.

I rush to the dining table and started eating. I was still shovelling up fruits I could hear the honk of the bus.

" here it is " my mom reminded me.

"have a nice day " my mom and dad wished me.

Still shovelling fruits in my mouth I rush towards the bus.

" good morning cap" I greeted him.

" why do you sound like man?" He commented and started smiling.

I gulp everything " I was shovelling up the fruits cap" I answer.

" okay Rapunzel, get yourself comfortable. Lets go " he directed.

I was stunned for a minute how does he know about my encounter with Eric. So I asked him.

" wait, how do you know about Rapunzel incident?" I enquire him.

" oh I just overheard you both yesterday " he smiled.

" cap overhearing someone is not a good Custom" I teased him.

" I know that it's not a good custom. I never overheard you both. You both were already talking so loudly. You both were so involved that you forgot that there is a world that exist around you" he spoke with that cheesy smile.

" impressive cap" I blurted.

" hey I forgot meet Diana she is like a head girl of the bus" he introduced me to her.

We spoke a lot like we headed on very well. She was my senior so she was advising and suggesting me how studies had to be managed and about lecturers and other stuff.

" meet him, he is Aaron. He stays two lanes away from your house" . He introduced him to me. We smiled and he went and sat on his seat.

" he is your stalkers best friend " cap gives me some information.

" stalker you mean Eric's friend". I asked as if I didn't no.

" ya Eric " he replied.

" thanks for the information cap" I spoke sarcastically.

" Eric is a good guy, its just been a week for him joining the hostel and everyone are already impressed by him. That guy wears his heart on his sleeve" he spoke in Eric's favor.
Diana was gazing at me guessing what is happening? . I myself don't no why is he telling me all that optimistic side of a guy about whom I don't want to know.

Just before Aaron, Diana and others guess what's happening I stop cap before his next sentence.

" cap not interested" I shared my opinion.

" you will get interested very soon young girl " he pointed at me.

After that I spoke to no one. I was just thinking what would that last sentence from cap mean. I just disposed all my thoughts about that not at all important person. But cap is a good human being. He had an amazing sense of humor . The rest of the journey til the university was peaceful. It was surreal.

I reached my classroom but it wasn't opened. So everyone were waiting outside. I am an extrovert but never talk to people unless and until they approach me first. Which is kind of bad but that is how I am. I get few vacant stares and few smiles. The bad thing which I didn't like was those mean girls are in my class. When I see them only I get to my nerves.

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