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I came out and i saw Eric sitting on the bonnet of the car fidgeting with his phone.

"Niall is inside. All this fuss was made just to surprise him. So he is calling you inside. " i informed him.

"I knew this must be sim's plan. Tell him i am okay outside and ask him to spend time with his friends as long as he wants to and i just want him to be happy. " he spoke like as though he is sacrificing his time for niall. But he spoke rudely to me. That rudeness of him annoyed me a little. Then i realized that i had to thank him for the watch.

"Thanks for keeping my watch so safely. That was gifted by my dad. It means a lot to me. Thanks. " i spoke with a lot of gratitude. But all in vain. He didn't even respond to my gratitude with a smile. I hate when people do that to me. What big crime did i do?, for which i don't even deserve a 'it's okay'.

"When someone says thank you haven't you been taught to answer them? "I questioned rudely.

Not a word this guy spoke. Not a single word. He sat like a statue on the bonnet, busy with his phone and it was getting to my nerve. Then i decided to leave because that person never mattered to me and i have finished my job by thanking him.

"Eric, what are you still doing outside?. We all are waiting for you inside. "Sim came when i was about to leave .

" no sim i am okay here. You guys go have fun. "Eric answered smiling.

" but... ". Sim screeched.

" it's super cool. Okay you have to do an important work for me". Eric demanded.

"What work ? " sim questioned.

"See mom has planned a surprise party for niall and nan. You must be knowing right my nan is 80 years old today and that marks for a grand celebration. So for the preparations to start and end for the celebration niall has to be away from home as it is a surprise. So no one better than you can stop niall". Eric explained.

" oh i see. I am doing this. But there is a problem? "Sim was unsure.

" what problem "? Eric asked.

" i have to go to get the gift which i had ordered for niall. We have to clean up the mess also that we made in the bedroom as it is not our house". Sim explained.

"That's not a very great trouble to worry about. Your gift , it can be received by your beloved sister and about the mess that has to be cleared,  we can come tonight after the party and clean it". Eric suggested.

" your diligent eric"sim teased him and i was just listening to their conversation.

"You people can gossip inside also." Niall came shouting.

"Someone seems to be jealous". Eric teased niall.

" shut up, brother". Niall offended.

"You seem to be so happy. Go have fun. Enjoy your birthday with your friends. I am going home". Eric spoke.

" no ones at home. You will get bored. Stay with me". Niall requested.

"No , i can stay alone. I am not scared like you. " eric was kind of bullying him and in return he gets a terrific stare from niall.

"Bye brother". Niall bid him bye and walked in asking sim to join him  soon.

" okay here take the bill and the shop from where you have to collect the  gift is in notting hill. Eric just give me a call when everything is ready. I hope you would not mind dropping her to the location". Sim asked.

"What if i say no?, i can't do this. " i questioned. Yes i really didn't want to do it. Few hours ago i was the only one who was instructing others and now the person who didn't even show his gratitude towards my thank you will instruct me. I am mad at sim also for not asking me my opinion whether i want to do it or no.

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