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I get down from the car and I am standing at the entrance, near the gate and smirking about the dream that I saw. Not wasting another minute I enter the campus and head towards the door with my dad. We were greeted by a professor who well wished us and guided us to the auditorium where the inaugural event was about to take place. we took a lift and reached the auditorium.

As I reached there I could only see professors organizing and getting things ready for the event. We were really too early. I couldn't find any other student there. I gave my dad a vacant stare . My dad left me as he got an important call from his office though he had taken leave for me. So he went outside.

I sat there alone solitarily admiring the auditorium where I will have to attend many events till I graduate. The auditorium was quite big. It was marvelled and had too many seats and the seats were comfortable for the audience to sit. I was sitting in the last third row.

The principal entered and stopped near the row were I was sitting. I remembered my moms advice at that moment. First impression is the best impression.

"Good morning, mam"I greeted her.

"Good morning, you are  a forensic studies student  right "? She questioned. I was shocked because she remembers me that I had finished my admission without any query but still my dad was adamant on meeting her. I was scared . She is going to be my principal for the next four years.

" yes I am a  forensic studies student ". I replied.

Thank God she smiled " why are you sitting so back? Go sit in the front row." She commanded.

I gave her a smile and took my bag and walked towards the front row and got myself comfortable there. I kept warning myself " she knows you now you better be heedful."

After few minutes the auditorium was filled with students. I was rolling my eyes every where hoping to find someone with whom I can talk with and call her or him my new friend. But unfortunately I couldn't find anyone. People had already made friends. I turned towards my right side and try to look at the girls and smile but it seemed like they had already ganged up and I could name them as mean girls. After that encounter of eyes with them I just hoped that they weren't in my class.

two more minutes were left for the inauguration to begin. My dad had also taken his seat and he looked and smiled at me from the other side.
Then a girl came and sat in the seat next to me. At that moment we both didn't know that we would become best friends. She smiled at me and I too smiled.

"Hi am Taylor ". She started the conversation.

"hey am Jamie" I answered.

It was awkward in the beginning but after few minutes I got comfortable with her. In fact I liked her. She was lean but not frail. She was pretty and I was sure that she would grab many stares from the guys here. She had beautiful eyes but she wore glasses like me. We spoke about our homes,weather,our grades and lot more. I was satisfied that finally I could find someone who was sober and delightful to talk with. Not like those mean girls who were getting on my nerves.

There were many guest lecturers invited for the occasion and they spoke about my subject and its scope because I bet all the students who were present in the auditorium were clueless about the scope of this profession. All we knew about forensic medicune was that it was linked wit dead bodies and post mortem . So the guest speakers speeches were really helpful for us . It was actually like they built a foundation in us about this profession. After listening to them I frankly gained a lot of confidence about this profession. In that two hours of inauguration I had made my mind about were I wanted to see myself after four years.

The inauguration ended me and Taylor walked out of the hall .

" okay, see you tomorrow ". We bid a good bye and went in our ways.

Me and my dad went to the administrative quarters to Check out details about the college bus. My dad went through all the paper work attentively. We paid the fees and everything was done. So from tomorrow I would be coming to the university through the college bus. That means I will have to be very
Functional. I can't give room to laziness at all.

" why don't you go see your bus number and talk to the driver and were the college bus is parked ? Its necessary for you to know so that later you won't be late. The receptionist suggested.

I didn't find it really necessary .
"Its okay I will see that tomorrow ". I answered.

"Your choice" the receptionist spoke.

" no he is right go check out and come where the bus is parked so that you can catch your bus on time , otherwise you will waste your time on searching for the spot were your bus is parked and you will miss your bus. You know right how punctual the college buses are they don't wait for more than five minutes. Do you want this to happen? ". My dad questioned .

" no I don't want that to happen. I will go check out " I answered and walked in the  the way the receptionist instructed.

I reach the spot and I see the bus parked there. Then I inquire about the bus which goes in my route and I get all details.

" your number " I asked for his number. Because I might require it during some crisis. I wasn't sure what to call him. Should I use his name or should I call him uncle. I was perplexed.

" new girl ha, My name is Raymond. You can call me captain." He spoke making it easy for me.

" ya. I will call you 'cap' then "I replied.

"That sounds cool. You are a witty girl and I am already liking you. The guys around here will have to work a lot harder to get you " he smiled.

" Thanks for the compliment cap, I like you too. then see you tomorrow cap. " I waved him bye.

" cap at your service mam ". He waved his cap.

I smiled and left from that place. He seems to be a good person. He was in his mid thirties I guess. But he was a genuine person. I liked him. I was walking saving his number in my phone and then suddenly someone holds my hand behind. I was a bit scared but more than scared I was eager to see who it was.

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