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To my beloved mom,

Mom, I know you are mad at me right now for not talking to you. I am sorry. I never meant to give you any pain. I know you must be crying in grief. But you know what you don't have to cry. You don't have to worry. I am doing very good here in the sky. I didn't want you to see me taking my last breath.

Mom do you remember? When I was kid you used to take me to the funerals and I used to ask why are they sleeping? Where are they taking them?
You remember what you used to reply?
You used to tell me that they are going to the sky. You told me that they will have wings now to fly.  They are going to have an adventure to the other side of the world which no one in this world have seen, except for the dead.
Mom, your son is set for on adventure to the other side of the world. You don't worry  I promise I will never forget all that you taught me. Never.

Mom I have lived my life the way I wanted to. I am happy that I was so fortunate enough that I had you by my side. You mean a lot to me. I have no complaints, no regrets from life except for one. Every dieing  person has a last wish. So do I. Will you fulfill my last wish?

My last wish is to see you and Niall very happy. Don't remorse for me mom. I am going to be happy. Please stay happy mom. Don't blame yourself or anyone. You are my super mom.

You told me once that "nothing lasts forever. Everyone are going to be temporary.  It is okay to lose. You can't win everyone and everything . It is not in our hand whom to keep and whom to lose". The same way we didn't know what was coming right. You can't win everything right. Mom I am going nowhere. I am here with you. When your reading this letter I am right next to you wiping your tears. As I told you where ever I go at the end of the day I will always come back to you.

Now you have Niall mom. Give him my love also. I am there in Niall . Give him your love and give him my love. Support  him the way you supported me. Dad loves Niall but still ask dad not to stop him from what he wants to do.

I am not angry at dad. He was not wrong but it is just that his opinions are different from mine. I always held back all my feelings for dad. Tell him I love him. I will miss you all. Mom, now give a smile and let your son go peacefully.

              By your side always

We wake. We look for sign around. Perhaps for a flash in the sky or in the world. A summon of some kind to do what we are meant to do. Yet it doesn't always come or may be never arrives. Stuck somewhere between the future and right now. We struggle to make sense of a life that moves forward.  Hoping that in some way we are seen. What now? What next? What all in the end?
Maybe life is just meant to be a time to love the best we can. In the most ways that we can and that's perhaps our calling our purpose in the end.

Live your life the way you want to. Live your life till your glass Is full.
Be and let your self be. Let it go what hurts. One advice is that never have a one sided story. It hurts.
Live it. Feel it. sieze it. Love it.

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