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Jamie's pov

I get down from the bus and the first thing my eyes do is search for eric. He is there sitting with his friends and talking. I pass from his side thinking he would notice me go and he might come and talk. He saw me, our eyes met but still he sat ignorant there. i just couldn't handle his ignorance but still walked off. The entire day i was annoyed and irritated. He made me so restless. Somehow the day got over and i walked towards my bus again hoping that he would notice and talk but he still stayed ignorant. I got into the bus and sat but this time i really couldn't take it. I got down from the bus and it really did not matter to me that i would miss my bus.

"What is your problem?" i shouted at him. I was really loud and i could hear my voice echo because almost the entire campus was empty except for the hostel guys.

"what did i do now?" he questioned.

"oh, do not pretend like you do not know". i shouted again.

"stop shouting. you missed your bus because of your mistake and i have no hand in it." he answered.

"don't you know why i missed my bus?" i questioned him.

"no i do not no" he answered.

"stop acting like a lunatic. why are you ignoring me?" i shouted.

"i am not a lunatic and when it comes to ignorance you were the one who told me to stay away from you. Remember?" he shouted.

"i remember every little thing. Don't you know when i get angry i blabber shit? " i lowered my tone now.

"oh yeah, how can i be so stupid? you are just like other guys who spent some time with me, came to my home and saw i am not like those other girls i am a boring person. you waited for me to end this. i was being a rag-head by thinking only about you. it never mattered to you. it never mattered."  i have no clue what made those tears to come out of my eyes.

"nothing matters to me? when i saw you for the first time you mattered to me. when i met you for the first time you mattered to me. when i held your hand for the first time it mattered to me. when you smiled for the first time you mattered to me. when i saw you in the garden you mattered to me. when my grandfather tried to flirt with you it mattered to me. when you made me your friend you mattered to me. when i met your mom and dad you mattered to me. when you finally asked me to stay away you have no clue how much it mattered to me." he held me so tightly i was so close to him. i could almost hear him breathing.

"whenever i see you my heart always skips a beat. all i want to do is be with you and only you. all i want to say is 'i love you'. but i know you wont believe it. you know why you wont believe it? because it will never matter to you. it will never" he freed me slowly.

the only words came out from my mouth are "i believe you and it matters to me".

"i am not in a fantasy land. the girl who never believed any guy how can she suddenly start believing me?" he turned back.

"i believe in you Eric and you matter a lot" i held his hand.

"no you do not believe and you will never believe because i know it " he screeched.

"what is your darn problem? when i never wanted to believe in  you or have you by my side, you made all efforts to make me believe in you and now when i am telling that i believe and that you matter to me your asking me to let it be. that is so not fair" i explained.

"then prove it. common can you prove ?" he questioned.

i was not aware that kissing him would be my next move. i had not planned for it. it was spontaneous.

'' jamie wake up, we have something waiting for you. wake up love, your getting late" my mom was shouting in my room.

i woke up so astonished and first thanked god that it was a dream and not reality, i was baffled. the only question going through my mind was 'why was eric in my dream? and the kiss'.

my mom was startled by the way i woke up " saw a bad dream?" my mom questioned.

"yeah kind of. now please do not ask me what it was. okay?" i answered

"okay i will not and i know you wont tell me like the previous times. by the way your getting late and downstairs something is waiting for you?" my mom answered.

 'something waiting for you?' i got scared and hoped that it is not eric downstairs waiting for me. so i jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs.


sorry to everyone. i have not been updating my chapters. i was actually busy with my exams and their preparations. but now i will update my chapters regularly. please do comment and like my story and also suggest me some ideas for the end of my book and also any changes to be made with my writing skills. thanks for being with me. what do you think has the less lonely girl fallen for Eric? please do mention your answers in the comments.


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