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I was really excited after that meeting with Niall. I was really happy to go to the trip with him. I had to convince mom and dad and they both agreed for it. But then when i told hazel about this she changed my mind.

Hazel:  have you spoken to sim about you and niall  hanging out?

Me: no. why?

Hazel: look jam, you know right sim still likes niall. He is her friend and your cousin. How will she feel if she gets to know that you are going to on a  trip with a guy whom she likes or may be loves? I know you are just friends and  it might not make sense but think about it once.

What hazel told definitely makes sense to me. Apart from hazel, sim is the only  cousin who is like my own blood sister. I can't break her heart. Perhaps I was coming between Niall and sim. And I don't want to take away her happiness. But till when will I think about others? When will I start feeling all that what people in love feel? Yes I liked Eric and if I would have stayed with him for some more time I would have fallen in love with him but it  didn't.And a girl so heartless doesn't deserve an eternal lover like him. Why am I emotionally dead from inside?  Why? What is love according to me? What am I destined for?

People in my family always use to tell me you have no emotions.  You are dead from inside. You are a robot.  You will have no love life. All you want is you. What am I suppose to do if I have been trained to live so isolated? All these questions led me to one and only answer that I have no place for love sim is the right person to be with niall. I should stop spoiling his fantasy and I should not go on any trip.

Niall kept calling me and messaging me and  he kept making plans but I kept ignoring him and I kept giving him lame reasons and now it is almost weekend. As he told he would have got his gift and he must be ready to go on the trip and I was half satisfied that he understood that I am not interested neither in him nor his trip. It is good, so there will be no more niall and I think I   will be okay with it or may be not. Because he is different. I don't no why my sixth sense tells me that he is the one who will make me alive from inside. Who will make me feel everything that I am supposed to feel. When I am indulged in my deep thoughts the door bell rings. I open the door and there was a parcel in front of the door. I took it in my hand and checked the parcel and it was gift but there was no name written on it. I closed the door and kept it on the table think it would be for hazel. Then again the door bell rings and I open there and there is no one and I got so annoyed and I was about to close the door and then niall jumps at me.

Niall: surprise.

Me: Niall ? What are you doing here?

Niall: surprising you.

Me: what?

Niall: you were busy right? You could not come to meet so I came to meet you. Will you not ask me to come inside?

me: sorry. Come in.

Niall: aha. So did you open the gift?

Me: gift? Oh yeah this one. This is not mine. This must be hazel's.

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