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"NIALL wake up. You will get late" I hear my mom telling in my room. I don't want to wake up. I want to sleep more but she continues yelling so I finally gave up.

"Good morning, mom" I wished her.

"Good morning love" she smiled.

"I will go brush my teeth." I walk to the bathroom.

While brushing my teeth I was thinking about yesterday. Yesterday's are history and history is not forgotten. I am so badly looking forward to meet her today. I got ready and came out and I see mom is still sitting on the sofa in my room. Mom usually doesn't sit in my room for a long time. My parents are strict and cool. They respect my privacy and also keep an account on whatever I do.

"Mom your still here" I question.

"Did you fail in any subjects in your college?" She asked.

"Mom, what's the matter?" I asked confused.

"You tell me" she answered.

"Mom I have passed in all subjects. In fact I have got great marks." I answered.

"Then why didn't you inform me about the academic meeting?" She questioned.

"Holy shit " I shouted

"Niall" she warned me

"Mom. I am sorry I forgot about it. How did you get to know?" I questioned her.

"I got a message from your administrative office. So I was wondering why didn't you tell me about this." She explained.

I was about to tell her that I have to meet Jamie today and I wanted to tell her that I can't come with her to the meeting and to manage without me and I know she will understand but my dad comes in my room.

"What is mother and son talking about? " he questioned and then kissed my mom's forehead.

Though my dad oftenly has to stay outside home for his business but still my mom and dad's love is evergreen. May be this pure love in which Eric fell into or may be in which I am falling is heredity. What am I thinking? No I can't be in love okay.

"Nothing. We have this academic meeting at his university so I was telling him to get ready fast" she explained.

"Aha. Then I will also come. I will also get to know how brilliant my son is in his academics. Niall you can show me your girlfriends too." He started laughing and mom did too.

"I don't have a girlfriend" I answered. Don't they know they are my parents. They can't talk about my girlfriends.

"Dad don't you have any meeting today?" I questioned. I don't want him to come if he comes I can't go unless we finish this stupid meeting.

"No I don't. Why you don't want me to come? Are your girlfriends prettier than your Mom?" He questioned and then he looked at mom and winked and my mom continued blushing.

"No dad I thought your busy. So" I answered. A little white lies.

"I am let's have breakfast then let's go." He smiled. They went out from my room for the breakfast. I thought I will text Jamie and tell her I will meet her in the evening but then I want to spend time with her the entire day so I thought If I find mom alone I will talk to her and then go and I know mom would help me. So I go eat and we go to the academic meeting.

I enter the campus and everyone in the campus keeps smiling at me now and then and they come and have a talk.

"Your quite famous. Aren't you?"my dad asked.

"Yeah a little " I smiled.

"Eric was too" I could sense the pain his voice.

" I know" I hugged him.

We go to the staff room and there are so many other parents waiting to meet the faculty and to know about the marks their kids have scored. One more terrific thing was my mom and dad. When my dad comes home from a long business trip he is glued to mom. They don't leave each other alone and I could see all other parents were looking at how happy my mom and dad made each other. I give up on my thoughts And finally text Jamie.

Me: sorry I am a little caught up in some work. I will tell when I meet you. Sorry. Can we meet in the evening?

Jamie: okay. But I can't meet you In the evening. I am busy.

Me: i am sorry. Please, I know you are not busy.

She doesn't reply and that means she is angry. So I decide to finish this up fast and go and meet her. After twelve o clock we finish it and Then mom and dad wanted to have lunch with me so we went out for lunch I can't even tell them no because it's family time. I know Jamie must be mad at me but Its mom and dad and after Eric I am the only one they have.

" I am so happy you are doing so great in the college" my dad praised me while eating lunch.

"Thanks dad" I smiled.

"Keep up your good work" he patted on my shoulder.

"I will not let you down" I assured him.

"Off course you won't " my mom smiled.

I ate my lunch fast and told mom and dad to go home and I took the car keys and ran to go meet Jamie. Mom kept asking what is the matter. I told her that i will come home and tell her and I told her I was going to meet a friend and I know she would have understood who that friend was.

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