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Sim: oh shit.

Me: what happened sim? why do you look so dreadful? who was on the phone?.

sim: can you please stop shooting me with questions?

me: can you answer my questions?

sim: it was niall's mom. She invited me to niall's birthday.

Me: you panicked like someone was dead.

Sim: can you stop being pessimistic.

Me: what is the problem then?.

Sim: it's niall's birthday and i just forgot about it. I wouldn't have known if his mom wouldn't have invited me.

Me: big deal

Sim: stop being gross.

Me: what do you want me to do?.

sim: we need to plan?.

me: what plan?

sim: its his birthday that means i should do something special for him and by gifts for him. I should do something more than what he might expect.

Me: why do you want to make it special? do you love him?.

Sim: what do you mean?

Me: don't feign as though you didn't get what i am trying to say. I meant that you always try a little more than hard to make things special for people whom you love. I don't understand your industriousness to make niall's birthday so special.

Sim: i want to make it special for him because he is my best friend. He has been there through all my pros and cons. He has always stood by me. I want to make my best friends birthday an indelible birthday. I can't forget how special he had made my last birthday and i don't want him to forget too. Do you understand it now?.

me: no.

Sim: even though you don't there is nothing more left to justify. You will understand when you make one best friend.

Me : will it happen anytime soon?

sim: stop being inimical now. Lets go grab something to eat and sleep. There is so much work to be done tomorrow.

Me : you are behaving like it's your wedding tomorrow.

We go eat our dinner and sit with the entire family for sometime and sim is sitting opposite to me and contemplating deeply. She says that they are best friends and i believe them. But i don't know why i savvy that there is something definitely more than friendship between them. I guess they both are scared of reciprocation and the fear of losing their friendship. I wanted a slumber very badly so i dragged her to the bedroom.

Me: what are you thinking so much in midst?

Sim: i was thinking about what to do tomorrow and what to gift him?.

me : and i was thinking how would i spend my day, when your gone for the party and other stuff?. i am going to die out of boredom.

sim: i am not letting you die so fast. You are going to be with me and you will help me in all plans and you are also attending the party with me.

Me: are you crazy he is your best friend what am i going to do there and i am uninvited to the party. It would be such a folly to barge into someone 's party uninvited.

Sim: tell me one thing, are you a stranger to niall? have you people not met before?.

Me : i have met him but he is your friend.

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