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so let me first inform you all my amazing dream trip has begun with Jamie.  Our aeroplane finally touched down Newyork and I was excited and Jamie kept giving me that 'hold on pal' look.

Me: hey jam let's take a picture here.

Her: oh God you are so cynical. we have already taken so many pictures. You are too enigmatic.

Me: yeah I am and I will be. This has always been my dream.

Her: yeah I know. Don't get started again. Let's go to the hotel.

We reached the hotel and I must tell this hotel is really beautiful. Dad has really spent a lot on this trip. But dad does not know that Jamie is also with me. I didn't tell him, if I had told him he would not have sent me here.  So now I  have to take a separate room for her.

Me: hello, I have a booking here.

Receptionist: hello sir, may I know your name?

Me: Niall.

Receptionist : here is your card sir.

Me: thank you. I need another room.

Her: another room? 

Me: yeah for you.

Her: no i don't need another room. I can share  it with you. Unless and until you do not mind. You have already paid for my tickets.

Me: but...

Her: do you mind?

Me: no of course not. But are you sure about this?

Her: of course I am. Now do not waste time. Let's get going. It is your dream go live it my boy.

Me: stop talking like my mom.

Her: okay. Now hurry.

We took the card and went to our room. The room was so huge that more than three people could stay. I was so tired that I just jumped on to the bed. And I thought she is going to be reserved and sophisticated the entire trip but she was not. She came and lied next to . May be this is the real her . Perhaps she is not what she keeps showing the world she is.

Her: the room is beautiful.

Me: it is. (Then she gets up and sit next to me)

Her: thank you so much for thinking that I am worth. I neither  thought nor dreamt that I  would be somewhere out in some different country  with anyone. Yeah I had dreamt of being wanderlust alone but that is a different story. But anyways thank you. I hope you get to grab all amazing stuffs that you have dreamt of on this trip.

Me:  can we keep this thank you and welcome speeches for the end? All I want you to do is forget the past and  forget the future. We are here. We are together. So just live in present.

Me: wait a minute.

Her: why are you taking those paintings off the wall?

Me: I got it. Come here and see this.

Her: ERIC,NIALL,JADE. You told me you have never been here. Then what are your names doing here on this painting?

Me: the story goes like this. My mom and dad had come to Newyork for their honeymoon and they stayed here in this hotel and in this room. So that time my mom and dad wrote these. My mom told me once that Eric's name was chosen by her and dad wanted to name me Niall and they both wanted to name their daughter jade. But God gave them both boys and mom also told me that she knew she would give birth to both boys. You know why I am telling this to you?

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