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It is a new morning. Nothing is going to remain the same since Eric is gone but we have to deal with changes. Before everything we are human and after everything we are still human.
I told myself that I can't stay in my bed my entire life. It is time for me to get up and live the life that Eric wants me to live.

" I know Eric I can't bring you back but at least I can make you feel alive there. And I know you will feel alive only when you see us happy down here" I told my self and got out of the bed and got ready and went to moms bedroom.

"Mom " I opened the door and she is not there. I searched for her every where and then I reached near eric's room and saw  that his room's door is open.

"Mom are you in there ?" I question and walk in. She is there curled up in Eric's bed and sleeping. I sat there looking at mom and noticed that how weak she has become. I could feel Eric in his room. I could feel that he was watching both of us in the room. I woke mom.

"Niall" She opened her eyes and sighed.

"Mom, what are you doing here? " I questioned.

"Nothing just came to clean his room" She answered.

" I will never let anyone  change this room. I can feel Eric here." She cried.

"No one will mom. I promise." I hugged her.

"What is this?" I got a diary under his pillow.

We opened the diary and saw that there was nothing in the diary. Except for few pages at he end. Eric was never the kind of guy who kept diaries or wrote diaries.

" She smelled of books and stories of all the world's she had lived in. The stories found home in her skin. She did not quite belong here. She lived a life within her head. She always spoke of adventures that her heart has never been. She is a fantasy to me and the world which everyone wants to feel. If she thinks she is leaving us ink stained. Then she did succeed."
"You are my whole world . You are everything I am made up of. You are everything to look forward in the morning. You are the blissful heart in my roller coaster ride. The only surprise of my life. You are it all. You are my charm and  you don't no when you disappear the dullness will stick to  me and the light will never return. I miss you but rapunzel the world is still turning back to you."
"I am planning for a forever together but she is bounded  not by laws, not by the world but by the urge to prove herself the best daughter".
He would have written this before I told him that she was leaving I told my mom and  My mom looked at me.

" She was so lucky to have an eternal lover in her life time.  but sad she could not understand his love. It is not her fault may be their fate was at fault. " my mom kept the diary were it was.

"Mom. We can't stay like this forever right. This life is meant for moving on. You know right if we stay like this Eric won't be happy and we don't want that. Do we? " I questioned her.

"No we don't.  Your right, Today your there tomorrow your not. This is life nothing is permanent here. Nothing is forever here. So I want you to be happy and do what you love to do. Never wait for anything to happen instead make it happen. I won't tell you to accomplish our dreams but I will definitely tell you to accomplish your dream" She kissed me .

" I love you mom" I kissed her back.

" where is dad ?" I questioned.

"He went. He had important delegates coming so he had to go." She answered.

"How can he leave us like this and go? Why does he leave us alone all the time? " I questioned.

"It is not like that my love. He cancelled the meeting but I forced him to go. I didn't want him to stay here and fall apart. And if he is not with us it doesn't mean that he don't love us. I want you to always remember that your father is away from us working to give us a good life. He loved you both more than me. It is just that he is very bad at showing his love and Eric never understood his love for him. And I don't want you to make that same mistake. Okay?" She caressed my hand.

" I love you both mom. Now lets go eat breakfast and I will make breakfast for my mommy" I hugged her.

"We will miss you eric" and for the  one last time we came out of his room.


Sometimes someone's exit from the life make us more stronger than before . Some people are gone but they will always stay in those little corners of our heart. Moving on is difficult but it is not that bad.

So what do you think when will Jamie get to know about eric's death? What does the letter written by Eric contain?.

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