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Today mom was going home and yet again from today it will just be me and hazel. We both are definitely going to miss her and her food. Today I was also suppose to meet Niall. I had told him to be early but it is obvious he will be late. I told mom Niall wants to meet her before she goes home and he is coming. Hazel met her and went to work. She can't take leave because her boss is a terror.  We kept waiting for him he didn't come.  I was getting furious and then finally I got a message from him that he is caught up in an important work so he will meet me later. If we would have waited for him more mom would have missed her flight. So we took a taxi and went to the airport. Thank God we reached early.

"Take a good care of my daughter " my mom hugged me with tears in her eyes. 

"I will" I answered. Tears were almost there in my eyes but I kind of controlled it.

"Take this. Your Christmas gift. Open this" mom gave me my gift.

"Thanks mom. But I can't open now. Your getting late. You will miss your plane." I took the gift. I felt like crying.

"No open it." She is so stubborn.

"Mom you will make me cry. Your getting late." I wiped her tears.

"You and dad both take a good care and see you soon. I love you" I kissed on her cheek.

Staying away from home is a great deal, that to for people like me who are homesick.  The myths always tell, you will miss everything about your home, you will miss your parents. when you go away from home that is when you realise it's importance and they are so true and I understand it now.

I was feeling too emotional that is when my phone starts ringing.

ME: hello.

NIALL: thank God you answered.

ME: what is it niall? ( I am angry at him for making me and my mom wait so much.)

NIALL: where are you?

ME: I am not telling you.

NIALL: please.

ME: I have work.  I am busy.

NIALL: I know you are free. Where are you? Wait, I am coming home.

ME:  no I am not at  home. I am leaving the airport now.

NIALL: okay. Please don't go anywhere. I will pick you up  from the airport. Just wait for me. Okay?

ME: how many hours? Two or three.

NIALL: I  know your angry but the sarcasm made me smile.

ME: come soon. Otherwise I am going.

NIALL: if you keep talking how will I concentrate on the road?

ME: you are talking,  not me. You cut the call.

NIALL: okay. I am on the way.

ME: Niall drive safely. Comeback safe.
(I don't no what made me say that but I actually told those words. May be because I lost Eric and I didn't want to lose niall. What am I thinking? He is Eric's brother.)

NIALL: Did i keep you waiting?

ME: what answer do you expect?

NIALL: the wait is finally over. Common madam.

ME: (then we walked towards his car. He opened  the car's door for me and whenever he did this for me suddenly his face would change into Eric's. )

NIALL : we do not want to get late. Do we?

ME : yeah (suddenly I came out of my past land )

NIALL : I am so sorry. I know the sorry is not enough but I will surely make it up to you. Actually yesterday a lot of things happened as you know and my mind was so busy that I forgot that there was an academic meeting. My mom reminded me in the morning and I thought I would convince my mom to manage it without me but my dad wanted to come too but then he wanted to have lunch with us.

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