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i got ready and went to the university with my dad. Then we went to principals  office. My dad spoke to the principal and somehow convinced the principal to return my original documents and after that we finished all the paperwork and my dad met my professors and told them about the admission letter and they were all really happy for me.

"Are you happy?" my dad questioned. perhaps he would  have sensed that i was not.

"obviously dad" i answered smiling.

"okay then i will go, you meet your friends and bid them a good bye and come home.Tonight we will leave to Germany." he smiled.

"okay" i answered.

Till i finish my paperwork it was already lunch hour. I went to the cafeteria and met all my friends and told them a good bye. They all seemed to be sad or may be they were just pretending . Brian told me that he would miss me and i was really astonished listening to him. It was an out of the blue moment for me. I told them that i would miss them too. we finished our lunch and i wanted to go to the class and attend all lectures for the last time and yeah frankly it was nostalgic. i felt terrific when i was walking to my  bus. All came along with me . There was something about this place and i really felt like home. But as my dad said that you have to lose something to win something. i had to leave  this place.

My eyes searched for Eric everywhere but he was not there. I asked Aaron too he told  Eric was there in the morning but after lunch he didn't come to class.

i want to meet him for the last time and  I want to apologize for my behaviour. perhaps this guilt is eating me inside. May be this guilt is the reason for me to not be happy. I want to leave this place happily without any guilt. It is not like i am dying. I will obviously come when ever there are vacations but i do not think that i will get any opportunity to meet him again.

"so ready for your last ride to home?" cap questioned from behind.

"how do you know about this?" i questioned.

"I met your dad. He told me" cap answered.

"oh okay". i answered.

"cap will you inform about this to Eric and tell him i am sorry for everything i did to him. I know sorry can not make up the damage made but this is all i can do" i explained.

"i saw you searching for him" he grinned.

"no i didn't search for him." i answered.

"okay. i am not going argue with you about this because i know you were searching. By the way he went home because he was not well" cap spoke.

"i was not searching. okay." i answered.

"I am going to tell him about your sorry but i will not tell him about you leaving today because i know he is going to break down. He will break into pieces so it is better for him to stay aloof about this. okay?" he questioned.

"firstly, i don't understand that why would he break down if i am leaving the country. secondly, tell him what ever you want to it's your choice." i commented.

"then cap i am sorry if i have hurt you in any way " i apologise to him.

"are you crazy? no you didn't . i love you. come here". he kissed me on my forehead.

"we will miss you the less lonely girl" he smiled.

"the less lonely girl. where did that come from?" i questioned.

"well Eric use to call you that" he answered.

"well i don't know about it. He use to call me Rapunzel" i answered.

"that was in front of you" he answered

"so the less lonely girl he use to call me behind my back." we both started laughing.

"you already made  me five minutes late. common let's go" he walked towards the bus.

I got into the bus and told everyone about my new admission letter they all told me they would miss me and it is definitely sure that i would miss them too. The rest of the ride was quiet. that dream, my friends , cap , Eric all these things were going on in my head. i was just thinking it is such a miracle that happened to me. i had literally given up on my dream to become a doctor but my life took a complete turn and now here i am finally getting to do what i dreamt to do.

i was shutting my brain or perhaps my heart that kept telling me that i should meet Eric before i leave but as cap told that it would make things worse for him something inside was stopping me. one question kept me guessing, thinking everything that why would things get worse for Eric if he gets to know i am leaving? but as they tell it is better to not find answers to some questions. some stories are happily ever after if they are left incomplete and my story was incomplete and i wanted everyone to be happy whom ever i am leaving behind.

"gooodbye" everyone shouted in the bus along with cap. i answered them good bye and walked towards my lawn.

"the less lonely girl will miss you".

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