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"Okay now everything is organized and the only thing is to get niall here and how are we going to do it?". Sim gave me a squinted look.

"I have given you enough of ideas and now don't expect me to give you more ideas. I am exhausted. "I gave up by lifting my hands up.

" okay , leave it on us. Me and freddie will do it. "Edward spoke.

"But what are you gonna do? " sim questioned.

"You don't have to no what are we going to do to get him here. That is our job. All you all have to do is wait and watch". Edward spoke confidently.

" okay i am waiting , just keep in mind i want the result. "Sim warned.

"All the best guys". I smiled.

"Thanks love! ". Edward winked at me.

" hey mate , where are you? "Ed and freddie called niall.

" thank god. Finally you people realized what special day today is? ". Niall answered with a feeling of happiness.

" we will discuss what special it is today a little later. There is something too much important for you to know". Ed kind of shouted.

"That's rude. But what happened? ". Niall answered on the phone.

"I saw sim and i saw her going to Morgan's home with morgan". Ed bluffed.

" morgan, are you talking about our senior in school. The one who always tried to stalk sim. But he left the school right". Niall was confused.

"Ya , your right its the same morgan" fred spoke assuring niall.

"But sim loathed him. What is she doing with her?. " niall asked fred.

"We don't no me and Ed saw her going to his house and you know right Morgan and Ed are neighbours . so we could easily see her. " fred tried to convince her.

"How can she be so ignorant about today?. She is with that moron . its okay i don't care let her enjoy with him." Niall felt angry and deceived.

"You will have to care because now i heard morgan talking about some drugs i seriously don't no what it is. I heard him taking her to some house. Me and fred are following them. Don't forget she is our best friend and how can you neglect her? How can you not care ?. Perhaps than i will have to come up to a conclusion that your feelings are just fake for her." Ed was angry.

"I don't want to prove my feelings for her to anyone and you douche bag i don't care about your conclusion. Text me their location." Niall screamed on phone.

"You know its a bad habit to talk on the phone while your driving. It can be dangerous too". Eric advised.

"I do care about my life and that is sim. Tighten your seatbelt brother. We are going to fly now". Niall accelerated his car .

" get ready my loves niall will reach  anytime soon ". Ed and freddie walked in with a victorious smile.

" but how did you do this? "Jewel asked .

"That's none of your business". Fred answered.

" now listen as soon as niall parks his car , i will call on Sim's phone and when you hear us entering , marcy you will shout 'please don't. Stop it'". Ed commanded.

" but why ? "Marcy questioned and she got a terror look from Ed.

" okay got it "marcy answered.

So i went and stood with the lights remote in a corner because i was not at all interested and niall was not my best friend. We could hear the car's sound and sim got a call as it was planned. Niall asked his brother to stay out as he didn't want to involve him in any harsh problem.

" where are they? ". Niall asked fred.

" they are in. "Ed answered.

Marcy started shouting as it was planned and they rushed towards the door and towards the bedroom and as the door opened i pressed the remote button hoping all the lights to on and it worked. He could only see his pictures. Then as planned i lit up the candle which sim was holding.

" niall, you have been the light to my darkness. You have been there even when i didn't want you to be. I think i have earned a diamond and you are diamond. You are the sky and i am a star because if there is no sky then there are no stars. I know you would have found that crappy. So happy birthday my sky. "Sim was damn nostalgic.

" you are my gold, my silver, my platinum. Happy birthday niall". Jewel wished him.

"You are the best. Happy birthday niall". Macy wished him.

" you are the symphony to my words. Happy birthday brother". Peru wished him.

"Without niall , we are nothing. Happy birthday mate". Fred and Ed wished him together.

" you all deserve a biggest hug. Thank you to all. Come here guys. " niall was emotional. They hugged each other and they cut the cake and i was still managing the lights and candle thing.

"Whose shadow is this? ". Niall questioned.

" i think we can switch on the lights now. "Ed switched on the lights.

" jamie"niall stuttered.

"Ya jamie is the reason behind this successful surprise". Peru praised me.

" happy birthday niall". I wished him.

"Thanks Jamie". Niall answered .

Then they all were talking among each other and i think i was invisible. I just stood in a corner and saw how happy they all were together and i remorsed for not having someone like them.

" oh shit"niall shouted.

"What happened ? ". Everyone asked together.

" Eric is waiting for me outside and i forgot. I will go and call him inside". Niall blurted.

"You stay here. I will go get him in. " sim volunteered.

"Sim you stay. I am opening your gifts now. I want to see what you have given me . Let jamie go and call him". Niall requested.

" jamie you don't mind right. "He obliged.

I gazed towards sim and she was like 'please' and i can not deny her request because i love her. But i couldn't figure out why niall was insisting me to escort eric in. I just waved the thought aside and went to call Eric.

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