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To my world,

Niall, have I ever told you this that when you cry you look like a barbie doll. I know you must be  crying right now. But why are you crying?  You know right I hate it when I see you cry.
You always used to complain about how mom loves me more than you? and I always used to tell you that mom loves me because I am not perfect and you are too perfect .

Niall you are all that mom has now. I don't want you to cry and remorse and waste away every moment. Your there your alive that is all is important. Now you have a huge task to do. I am not gone anywhere I am still there in you. You are everything to me. Niall please don't fall apart. Please.

You have to do everything that mom and dad always wanted me to do. You have to fulfill all their dreams. You have to protect them.

I am sending you this letter from the hollow side of the moon. So that you know I have got here safely. For today I held our planet. Between the fingers of my hand. And learnt that there are millions of stars here, than our earth has grains of sand and the life that I ran from doesn't seem like such a wreck. And although my life feels tiny as I look back at our home I have realised that we are the only ones who don't live it  alone. That even shooting stars send a piece down to earth. When their solitary beauty costs more than their worth.
I am sending you this letter from the silence of skies to remind you that there is beauty in our microscopic size. So I  hope when you feel alone the moon shows you are not and how lucky we are to find home on this earth. One death ends a story and begins a story. So my death will end my story and begin yours.

You are almost completing your high school and now you will be opting for professional courses. I just want you to follow your heart. Do what you love and love what you do.

Niall, I always loved you and I will always love you. There is another letter with this. This letter has to be given to Jamie but not now. I don't want anyone of you to blame her for what happened to me. I also don't want her to blame herself too. You will give her this letter when the universe wants her to have it. I know after she left she will start her new life  she will never want her past to hit her hard. I want you to protect her from knowing the truth of my death. I do not no what you do but you should make sure that my truth doesn't reach her.

Okay now my barbie doll, it is time for me to go.  But do not forget I still reside in you and I love you. Follow your heart Niall. I Love you the most. Promise me that you will follow what ever I have told. Give mom and dad all my love. Sim is a beautiful girl and if you love her go tell her don't wait because the time what you waste now will never come back. Don't lose her like the way I lost. I always loved winning but I have to tell you that there is some kind of happiness in losing also.

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