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We kept arguing about how bad it is to read someone's personal letter and i kept proving myself that I did not read the letter. I kept talking and then suddenly realised that she fell asleep.  She looked like a little girl  so innocent and so pretty. That moment if any one would have asked me to make a wish I would have definitely asked for her.

But it is wrong. My brother loved her. I can't do that to her. I need to stop seeing her. I need to stop meeting her. I need to stop this craziness. I can't give in so easily. I have to give up. Now I just kept driving concentrating on the road then suddenly her hand touched mine. I don't want this road to end I just don't want this to end. We reached her home I got down from the car and opened the car door for her but she was asleep. She looked so surreal. I moved the hair that was falling on her face behind her ear and slowly patted on her shoulder. She woke up.

"We reached home " I slowly whispered in her ears. Damn it I am so close to her. Then I scooted  from there very swiftly.

"Sorry I don't know when I fell asleep" she spoke.

"That's okay. You seem tired. Go home your Mom must be waiting". I answered.

She starts moving I don't want her to go so I hold her hand.
"Hard times are often blessings in disguise. Let go and let life strengthen you. No matter how much it hurts you, hold your head up and keep going.  Your past was never a mistake if you have learned from it. So take all the crazy experiences and lessons and place them in a box labelled 'I WILL REMEMBER.' Remember just give some time everything is going to be alright." And I let go her hand.

"Thanks. And you remember from next time you will not read anyone's personal letters" she smiled.

"I didn't read but still I will follow your command." I answered.

She went home. She just disappeared in that darkness. I have this lump of thoughts and feelings going on. Have I fallen for her? Will this just be like Eric's story? Does she like me too? then I suddenly realised that I liked Sim but I never felt anything  so crazy like what i feel for Jamie.

I reached home the lights of my home were on. I prepared myself because inside I am going to get screwed by mom and dad.

"Where is your phone?" Mom asked.

I took out my phone and there were ten missed calls five each from mom and dad " my phone was on silent so I didn't see" I answered.

"Where were you? Where did you go?"  My dad asked.

" I was with Jamie." I answered with a low tone.

"With whom?" My dad shouted . I knew this would happen. He doesn't like Jamie after what happened to eric.

"James let me talk to him." My mom took over the lead.

"Niall can you do us a favour of explaining what happened?" My mom asked.

"Actually Eric had written a letter to Jamie also. So I gave her the letter. After reading the letter she was too devastated so she went somewhere to some park and her mom had called me to ask whether I know where she went. Then it was all my fault so I assured her mom that i will get Jamie back home that is why I went." I answered.

"Why didn't you tell me about the letter?" My mom questioned.

"Because if I would have told you, some how this thing would have reached dad also and I didn't want dad to feel miserable that Eric didn't write a letter to him but he wrote it to Jamie." I answered.

"You are all we have now, Niall. How can you be so non chalant even after knowing what that girl did to your brother? Please don't lose your mind. Don't get distracted." He told and just walked away to his room.

"Mom I am sorry. I will never make this mistake again" I apologised.

"That's okay love. You helped her that is a good thing you did. You know your dad how much he loved Eric. I won't tell you don't meet her and cut all contacts with her because I have no problem with her she is a good girl. But make sure you inform us when your about to break our house rules. Now there are just two hours left for you to go  to your university. Go take some rest " my mom smiled.


I reached home and my mom was so worried her face had become red due to lot of crying.

"Where were you? I was so terrified." My mom questioned.

"I just wanted to spend some time alone mom." I answered.

"At this time?" She questioned.

"Mom I am tired. Can I please go take some rest?" I didn't want to tell her about the letter and other stuff.

"Did Niall drop you home?" Mom questioned.

"Yeah" i answered.

"Go rest. But remember I am always there for You " she answered. I hugged her and went to my room.

I took my phone there are so many messages from my friends and hazel. I messaged them back that I was fine. I called hazel and spoke to her and then I messaged Niall.

Me: thank you so much for helping me today.

Niall:  aha I am not going to accept your thank you like this.

Me: what? Why? Then how should I thank you?

Niall: over a coffee.

Me: (I remembered the time when I met Eric for the first time and he gave me my watch and I was so rude that I didn't even  thank him and when he asked me to meet over a coffee how i didn't meet him and  how he took a risk and came to the library.)

Niall: are you there?

Me: yeah. When?

Niall: tomorrow?

Me: tomorrow, mom is going home so I am going with her to the airport so I don't think it will work tomorrow.

Niall: it will work. I will also come along with you to the airport and from there we can go and drink coffee.

Me: but don't you have college ?

Niall: I have but your thank you is very important.

Me: you are crazy. (I wanted to actually type you are crazy like eric but dont know why i didn't?)okay tomorrow at ten in the morning. Don't be late.

Niall: don't worry I will be early. Can't wait to see you.

Me:  bye.

Sorry for the late update. I hope you all liked this chapter. Please vote and share.

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