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we reached home and I was really tired but at the same time I wanted to call jamie and know that whether she was doing fine. I hit my head to the pillow and all those feelings which I felt for Jamie rushed in again.  Why do I feel so restless? Mom always says when you can't sleep at night try reading a book. It will refresh you totally. So I go to my mom's room to ask her to give me some nice book to read but she was asleep. So I come back to my room and switched on my laptop may be this could help me sleep. That doesn't help me either. I finally decided to call  her but what if it's too awkward? I put my phone back. I again take my phone and  dial her number and then again I put my phone down and then, I think God heard me my phone started ringing and guess what? it was Jamie. If I would have asked for something else I think God would have given me that too.

"Hello" I was expecting Jamie but it was her mom. Why is her mom calling me?

"Niall thank God you answered" she was crying.

"Is everything okay Mrs.Scott . What happened?" I asked swiftly.

"Is jamie with you?Jamie is not at home. I don't know where she went?" She can't speak.

"Jamie is not with me but she must be with hazel or may be with her friends." I replied.

"Hazel went for a sleep over  at her friend's place and I asked all her friend's no one knows where she is. She didn't even take her phone along with her. So I thought since you people met after a long time you would have planned something" she answered.

"At this time, how can we plan something?" I question.

"Can you help me out?" She shouts in the phone.

"I promise you I will bring her home. You just send me hazel's number." I assure her.

"Okay " she cuts the call.

I am not allowed to go out anywhere at this time and I know if mom or Dad finds out about this they would be mad at me. But Jamie is out somewhere  and she must be wrecked by the letter. This is because of me. If something happens to her I can never forgive myself. I grab the car keys and I call hazel she is worried too and she gives me addresses of all the places she goes when she is happy or sad. In all the places given by her there is a park where she could be and that is near to my home so I  start my car as I leave I see Dad's car but I can handle that later so I am driving. I reached there and thank God she is the sitting with letter in her hand and tears in her eyes.

Oh my God she  looks so pretty and oh God what is happening to me. Oh no no she is my brother's eternal love. I can't fall for her.

I go and sit next to her on the bench.

Me: are you serious? What is wrong with you? What did you think when you left your home so late and without informing and without your phone?

Her: who cares?

Me: what ? I care. (Why do I say things which i shouldn't  be saying)
I mean your Mom cares, hazel cares.

Her: look there in the sky. There is your brother who loves me so much perhaps sky is also not the limit. How can he love me so much?

Me: (Oh oh please don't hold on to me like that. Please don't make my heart skip a beat. I have to get up from here. I move from there and  sit on my knees right in front of her. This is more worse but I have to console her and take her home back) 

Her: why are you smiling?

Me: once me and Eric were having this conversation where I kept telling him falling in love with you was a horrendous idea but he told me that you will either have his heart or his death. I thought he is just being hysteric. But here you are today having both his heart and death. ( she gives me a confused look and starts crying again) I am so sorry. I shouldn't have told this. I don't know what to say to make you feel better. I am sorry.

Her: he can't love me so much. No one in this world Is allowed to love me so much. Not even me. I can't even tell him sorry for being a jerk. It's all because of me. I have always been abysmal. This is going to wreck me my entire life.

Me: are you done with this crying? Now look into my eyes . See here. (Please don't look. I am forgetting all the words to say)
When Eric was alive he loved you so much and he still loves you. But what did you do? You were feigning and ruthless. Now after his death do you think he can stay happy there in the sky if your so broken and miserable and messed up down here? Do you think he is going to be fine. Tell me. Don't you want him to rest in peace? You still want to hurt him by doing this shit. ( I am angry now. Her eyes can't take my anger away.  I am normal. Thank God I could tell her something. )  Please let him at least live there. he just kept telling us that no one will blame you if we want to see him happy.  But I think you never want to see him happy.
(She wipes her tears and keep the letter in the coat ) If your done with crying and all the drama can I take you home. I am freezing here.

Her: just give me a minute. No wait go and wait for me near the car.

Me: okay.(She turns around but I don't go near the car I wait there and she knows I am stubborn. What's with this girl ? she is talking to the sky.)

Her: Eric I am not gonna mess up my life. I promise. I want to see you happy there.  You were right, Jamie had Eric in a deep abyss in her heart and Eric will always stay. I missed a chance of loving you and that regret will always stay with me but I assure you I will never let you down. When I am going to come up there you are mine. Till then I allow you to date other girls. I love you.

Me: (She turns around)

Her: I knew you wouldn't go.

Me:  Eric will be so happy. Why are you a mystery? Why don't you show this side of yours to the world?

(We walk towards the car and I haven't heard silence so loud.)

Her:  dont ask me questions which i cant answer.your family probably hates me. Don't  they?

Me: no they don't. May be my dad a little.

Her: see here the truth unfolds itself.

Me: Jamie, love doesn't come with conditions. Just because Eric loved you it doesn't mean you  had to love him back. Love doesn't happen with rules. (We sit in the car and our hands  touch. Not again please.)

Her: did you read the letter?

Me: no. Why?

Her: you sound just like Eric.

Me: oh, I am his shadow. everyone tells me at times I talk or behave like Eric.

Her: so gross. How can you read someone's letter?

Me:I didn't.

Her: common accept it. You did.

Me: I swear I didn't.

(I don't know why is she not ready to believe that I didn't read the letter but we continue arguing but let me be frank after Eric's death I have never felt so lively and lovely as I feel now.  I don't want this ride to end. There is some magic in this 'the less lonely girl'. I don't want this to end.)

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