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Niall's pov:

Today is our last night in Newyork and I want to ask her out on a date. But I am so reluctant to ask her out. I finally prepare myself to ask her.

Me: jam

Her: yeah

Me: can I ask you something?

Her: go on

Me: (the words are not coming out. I am tongue tied.) Nothing.

Her: Niall ask me whatever you want to?

Me: can I take you out for dinner tonight?

Her: why are you talking so fast? Repeat.

Me: I wanted to take you out for dinner.

Her:  you wanted to ask me out for dinner, that's it. Why were you so reluctant to ask me this?

Me: what I meant was a date.

Her: a date? Why?

Me: why a boy  can't take his  best friend on a date? Believe me there is nothing fishy. We will go just as friends.

Her: okay I will come.

Me: thank you. You be ready. I will pick you up sharply at seven.

Her: okay. But where are you going?

Me: be ready.  I will pick you.

I come out of the room and call my cousin who works here in Newyork and ask him his address. I know he is going to be mad at me. I am a mean brother I didn't inform him I am in Newyork because I wanted to spend time with Jamie and I also thought he must be busy with his work.

Zach: you are in Newyork for the first time. Why the hell didn't you call me?

Me: I thought you would be busy with work and you just shifted two months before didn't want to trouble you.

Zach: you are too grown up ha?

Me: no. I am still your little peanut.

Zach: those days. ' peanut'  wasn't that too gross?

Me: it was.

Zach: how many days are you here for?

Me: tomorrow morning I am leaving to LA.

Zach: what?and your meeting me now? Wait isn't this your dream trip? How many days have you been here?

Me: bull's eye. Right. Some three to six days.

Zach: so we have half day to hang out. Do we?

Me: yeah, no

Zach: explain?

Me: I am on this trip with one of my friend, Jamie.  So I am kind of taking her out for dinner today.

Zach: friend or girlfriend?

Me: friend. If she was my girlfriend I would proudly introduced her to you.

Zach : I know.

Me: so I want your help?  Can I borrow your car? Suggest me some nice place to go out for dinner?

Zach: what did you say her name 'jamie'. Right?

Me: yeah. (The lecture starts )

Zach: she is the reason for Eric to die. Then how can you date her?I am not letting you do the same mistake what Eric did?

Me: I know she didn't accept his love but that doesn't mean she killed him or i don't no. She is something more than what we all think about her. She is great.

Zach: you love her? Don't you?

Me: no I don't .

Zach : as if I am going to believe.

Me: I don't think you will help me. Bye.

Zach: okay. wait I will help you only if you...

Me: if I what?

Zach: if you let me come with you to LA.

Me: but your work?

Zach : don't worry about my work.

Me: but?

Zach: if she can come along with you on your dream trip why can't I? 

Me: okay. But what about your tickets?

Zach: don't worry about that. I work in the airlines remember?

Me: yeah.

Zach: so here is my key. Be careful don't violate any rules. Park the car in your hotel's basement. After coming back from LA,I will take it from there. And there is this beautiful restaurant I will make the bookings for you. Now your getting late go I will text you the address it is just twenty minutes away from your hotel. See you tomorrow at the airport.

I started driving back to the hotel. I hope Jamie is okay with zach coming along with us. Why did I even say him yes? Why? But there was no other way he wouldn't have agreed for helping me. Except for me and mom my entire  family hates her. Why don't they understand what has to happen will surely happen  no matter what. I want this dinner to last forever with us. But I have to keep a  control on my mouth. I don't want to confess my love for her now. May be at the end of the trip I will tell her what I feel for her. I don't want to make my dream trip an awkward trip. Because I know her answer will be 'no'. But what if she says yes. Hope is the only thing that keeps the world going.

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