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After Eric left,all I did was kept smiling unless and until mom barged in.

"My daughter  bought a guy to her home." She commented.

"Mom, don't  make a big deal out of it." I gave a stop to her fantasies.

"I am happy for you."my mom smiled.

"Mom, he is just a friend or perhaps not even a friend. From tomorrow  I don't  even think I would meet him." I sighed.

"And your upset about it. Aren't  you?" My mom questioned.

"Mom, no I am not upset and you know that." I answered.

"I know that and I also know  what Eric feels  for you." She smiled again.

"Mom,why are you exaggerating things? I met other people  too and they were talking to me so weirdly and all their talks could give me a hint about Eric." I blurted.

"Why can't  you see what I can see or others can see? Or perhaps you don't want to see." She remarked.

"Mom I  have to go to bed. I am sleepy."I answered.

"Why do you hate love,Jamie?. It's your life.you have grown up. Now it doesn't  matter what your dad wants. All that matters is what you want. I know your scared to fall in love. Your scared what if this love which seems an horror  to you leads you astray and you shatter your  dad's  dream. Aren't  you?." My mom tried to explain to me.

"Mom, I always  stand by my ground and no one can change anything  for me. Love is a fantasy and  you know I believe  in living the moment  and not in fantasising.when it comes to dad, I know he doesn't  vote for love but he always wants to see me happy  and  so  he will always be okay with whatever  I do and all I want to do is give him the chance to choose things for me throughout  my life. I trust him. I trust his choices  more than I do  myself." I answered.

"You have let your dad choose everything  for you but sooner or later you  will face circumstances  where it has to be your own choice and your own call. If you understand  it now it's better and If you don't  than you will have to gather the audacity  to get hurt. Me being your mother all I want for you is to be peaceful and happy." She clarified.

"I am happy mom. Now don't worry." I assured her.

"Goodnight. Eric's dreams."she teased.

"Mom it's sweet dreams." I corrected her purposeful mistake.

I was just going through whatever  happened  the whole day today and all I could conclude was Eric. I have no single clue why people think that mine and Eric's  would be a perfect story. I finally decided that staying away from him is the best way. It will do good to him and good to me.

I woke up the next morning  got dressed  and had  my breakfast and was waiting  for the bus with my dad.

"I hope everything  is going fine." He asked doubtfully.

"Ya dad everything  is going great". I replied.

The bus came and I got in and greeted the captain. Aaron was sitting  behind so I smiled at him and sat in my seat. It almost takes an hour to reach the university.

I reached after an hour and I was so sleepy. I got out of the bus yawning.

"Someone seems sleepy early in the morning. " a voice spoke.

"Eric". I confirmed.

"Ya, why do you look sleepy? Didn't  sleep last night? Let me guess why you didn't  sleep last night? You were thinking about me right." He spoke without a break.

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