Chapter 23. Real shid

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When we finally left the mall after Tae forced me to shop until he felt like he bought enough to match everything I got him. It was around 6 so that was the perfect time for us to decide where we wanted to eat. Since I was takin him out I let him choose where we were going, and he picked long horn. Honestly I wanted to go to red lobster, or even olive garden but whatever my bae wants is fine wit me. On the ride there I still wanted to know more about what happened between him, and this Nick dude.

Yatta: Bae...
Tae: Wussup boo?
Yatta: U dont gotta answer this if u dont want to, and I wont be mad about it. 
Tae: Say whats on ya mind bae.
Yatta: What happened between u and Nick since u said it wasnt cheatin or nothin?

He looked at me for a second and then back to the road as he kept drivin.

Yatta: Okay...I guess u dont wanna answer it.
Tae: He was on the DL.
Yatta: I dont get it.
Tae: As youve noticed im real wit my shit, and dont give a fuck who know about me. I mean aint nobody gone beat my ass.(he chuckled)
Yatta: U always tryna act hard.(i laughed)
Tae: Baby cuz im a thug.(he said in a trick daddy voice)
Yatta: Ok so what exactly happened.
Tae: He claim he was in love wit me, but he wasnt ready to come out. Which was fine wit me, but I wasnt gone wait for that nigga to be ready. Thats when shit started gettin bad because he was mad that I wanted to move on. I feel like it was selfish of him to want me to live my life in a cage. Im not ashamed of the fact that I like other men, and I never will be.
Yatta: So did u love him?
Tae: Yea I did, but just because I loved him dont mean I was about to put my life on pause for his ass. I have plans that involve marriage, kids, a family, but its all gone be wit a man and he wasnt down for that. So I moved on wasnt no point in wastin my time if we dont have some of the same goals. Besides if I wouldve stay wrapped up in all his bullshit I prolly wouldnt be wit u.(he said smilin at me and grabbin my hand)
Yatta: What did he want at the mall?
Tae: Talkin all kinda bullshit about how real he is now, and how much he still love me. Sayin he want me back, but that nigga still in the closet. 
Yatta: So aint nothin changed then really.
Tae: Exactly and even if it did I wouldnt give a fuck. Im more than happy were im at and I aint leavin my baby no time soon.
Yatta: U bet not.(i smiled)

As we made our way to the restaurant I couldnt help but think about this Nick dude, and the problems he might cause. The funniest thing to me though is that he on the low but claim to be so real. I'll never understand how u can be "real" when u lie to people everyday, and hide who u really are. All I know is his ass betta keep it movin cuz I aint lettin shit come between me and mine. When we got to long horn Lora and Reggie had already been seated but they were waitin for us.

Lora: About damn time yall got here im hungry!
Tae: How do yo boney ass eat so much but never gain no weight.
Reggie: She a fat person trapped in a skinny body.(he laughed)
Lora: Dont hate on me because I aint gotta do all that extra shit to keep my frame. Yatta the same damn way though so dont be talkin about me.
Yatta: Why u have to put me in it?(i laughed)
Lora: Cuz nigga if im boney yo ass gone be boney too!
Tae: My shawty aint boney he thick as hell.(he smiled at me lickin his lips)
Lora: Yall so nasty.
Yatta: Thats yo brother not me.(i laughed)

We sat around crackin jokes on eachother until our food came. I had just got a turkey burger, but Tae greedy ass got this big ass steak just like Reggie. I never have liked steak its too tough, and I hate when shit get stuck in my teeth. Lora got this platter of food that smelled good as hell and made me regret just gettin a damn burger.

Yatta: Lo whats that?
Lo: The sizzlin platter u wanna taste somethin?
Yatta: Yea let me-
Tae: He cant have nothin off yo plate so dont let him taste nothin.
Yatta: Nigga u aint my daddy!(i snapped)
Lo: Right why u trippin Tae? Here Yatta.(she said handin me a fork full of food)
Tae: I said u cant eat that shit bae!(he said snatchin the fork out my hands)
Yatta: What the fuck is wrong wit u, u almost wasted that shit on me stupid!
Tae: Im tryna save yo life, but yo hard headed ass dont wanna listen to me.
Yatta: What u talkin about?(i said still irritated)
Tae: Didnt u say u was allergic to shrimp?
Yatta: Yea and....
Tae: What all do u see on her plate bae?

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