Chapter 32. One down

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The next couple days we were just loungin around the house chillin and watchin tv. We been every where that he wanted to go includin the mall to buy him a bigger jacket, and he started tryna buy baby cloths. I talked him out of it though because its way to early to be wastin money, and we don't even know what it is yet. Tae been so cute lately all he ever does is lay his head on my stomach and tell me how much he loves me. I made him breakfast this mornin and now he's right up under me knocked out as usual. I swear I never knew his ass could be so sweet, but its always the people that act hard that are really the softest. I was crackin up at one of my favorite movies white chicks when my phone started ringin.

Yatta: Hello.
Lora: Hey boo where my big head brother at he not answerin his phone?
Yatta: I thought I heard somethin vibratin, but he right here sleep.
Lora: Aw ok yall still gone be back for thanksgiving right?
Yatta: U know his ass aint gone miss bein there wit his mama.(I laughed)
Lora: Aint he a damn mama's boy.(she laughed)
Yatta: Yea but this my baby.(I said rubbin his head)
Lora: How u been feelin though I know before yall left u was all sick and shit?
Yatta: Im good Tae made me go to the doctor.
Lora: About damn time cuz if he didnt I was. So what they say was wrong wit u?
Yatta: Uh..I got some kind of stomach virus prolly from that nasty ass Chinese food we had that day.
Lora: I told u not to eat that shit. U know they be cookin cats, and rats up in there they eat stuff like that.(she laughed)
Yatta: U crazy(I laughed)
Lora: What time do yall flight leave tomorrow.
Yatta: It leave at twelve so we should be back at around 3:30.
Lora: Aw ok and wussup wit u, u sound all giddy and shit? My bro must be wearin that ass out huh?(she laughed)
Yatta: NO!!(I laughed) Im just happy thats all I cant be happy?
Lora: Boy please yo ass dont never sound this excited. I know yall some freaks u aint gotta stunt wit me cuz shit I wont wit u. Me and Reggie be gettin it in when ever we have the time. All this weddin stuff be takin up all our time.
Yatta: Yall so cute together.
Lora: I know right! I cant wait until my big day, and thats another reason yo ass need to hurry up and get back here. I need help plannin my weddin boo.
Yatta: Dont u got other people that can help wit that? Im not really good at that kinda stuff.
Lora: I mean of course my girls helpin me, but I want u to be apart of it too please.(she whined)
Yatta: Do I really have too?
Lora: YES!!
Yatta: Ok damn.(I laughed)
Lora: Thanks boo, but I gotta go. Can u believe my fuckin teacher gave us a project over the break?
Yatta: I know what u mean mine did too, but I finished it before we left.
Lora: U suck I cant stand yo smart ass sometimes.(she said smackin her lips)
Yatta: Dont hate.(I laughed)
Lora: Whatever boy, but I'll talk to u later lil bro.
Yatta: Iight bye.(I said hangin up)

As soon as I put the phone down Tae had started to wake up.

Tae: Who was that bae?(he asked groggy)
Yatta: Yo crazy sister.
Tae: Oh what she want?
Yatta: Nothin just called to check on us, and to ask if I could help her wit the weddin.
Tae: U aint gone be doin all that runnin around for her ass.
Yatta: It aint gone hurt nothin stop actin like that.
Tae: Whatever u dont know how Lo get her ass gone turn into Masa and yo new name gone be Toby.
Yatta: U so stupid.(I laughed)
Tae: Im forreal I love my sister, but her ass a perfectionist.
Yatta: I am too thats why we get along so good.
Tae: Both of yall ass crazy.(he laughed)
Yatta: Bae so I been thinkin about names.
Tae: I was just about to say that.(he smiled)
Yatta: Really?(I laughed)
Tae: Yea.
Yatta: Ok and what u come up wit?
Tae: Well since we havin a boy I was think about-
Yatta: why do u keep sayin we havin a boy?
Tae: Because we are.(he said smilin)
Yatta: No were havin a girl.
Tae: It dont really matter what it is I'll be happy regaurdless, but we havin a boy.
Yatta: What was the name big head?(I laugh)
Tae: Well I was thinkin about namin him after me.(he said proudly)
Yatta: I can live wit that, but I was thinkin about Jaron.
Tae: Jaron? Whats wrong wit just namin him after me?
Yatta: Nothin I just thought Jaron would be cute. That or Kareem.
Tae: Nah bae I want a jr.
Yatta: Well since its gone be a girl anyway.(I laughed)
Tae: Its not gone be a girl shawty.
Yatta: Well see, but I was thinkin about Nyla.
Tae: Now I do like that, but what about Shantae?
Yatta: Thats cute, but I like Nyla better.
Tae: Why u cant agree wit none of my ideas?
Yatta: I aint shootin em down im just throwin more out there.
Tae: Yes u are.(he said wit a attitude)
Yatta: We got a whole 9 months to figure it out so calm down.
Tae: Whatever man.(he said gettin up but I pulled him back down) Come on shawty I gotta pee.
Yatta: Stop actin like a big baby im not rulin out yo ideas.
Tae: Then what u call it?
Yatta: Ok well what about this. If its a boy u can name him, and if its a girl I get to name her.
Tae: I guess.
Yatta: Can u lose the attitude.
Tae: I aint got one.
Yatta: Yes u do come here.(I said gettin on top of him)
Tae: Shawty I gotta pee forreal stop playin.
Yatta: Then lose that attitude.(I said kissin him repeatedly)
Tae: Stop bae im koo forreal.(he laughed)

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