Chapter 9. Game Time

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We had been playin for a while now, and the score was 9 to 13. Tae was playin good, but I think he was takin it easy on me which kinda offended me. His boys were just watchin in amazement that I could actually play, and wasnt just blowin smoke.

Yatta: I thought u wanted to win white boy.
Tae: Oh dont worry shawty im just gettin warmed up.
Yatta: Well if u dont come wit it I think ima be the one spankin ass.(i laughed)
Tae: Yea whatever enough talkin check the ball.

I checked him the ball then he ran up on me, and started to gaurd me. I turned around rubbin my ass against his dick which made him stand up and look down at me smilin like I was jukin him or something. He so damn silly sometimes I swear, but I took this chance to fake right. He took the bait like I knew he would so I went left goin in for the lay up.

Yatta: Come on Tae if u not gone play forreal ima stop.(i said wit a attitude)
Tae: Iight shawty ima be serious I promise.(he smiled)

We started playin, and I gotta admit he was good as hell. I guess thats why he on the team because he came back 17 to 19, and we were only goin to 21. He ended up stealin the ball from me when I tried to make the winning shot, and tied the game instead.

Tae: What happened to all that shit u was talkin?(he said mockin me from earlier)
Yatta: Fuck u!(i snapped)
Tae: Dont be mad shawty I told u I was gone spank that ass.
Yatta: Yea whatever check the ball.

I know this might sound bad, but im a real sore loser. This is another reason why I kinda stopped playin when I was younger. When he checked the ball I was on his ass like white on rice. He tried to go for a three pointer, but I grabbed his dick as he went up throwin off his shot.

Tae: Aye nah shawty thats a foul!(he said laughin and adjustin his self cuz he had got turned on from me touchin him)

I laughed as I recovered the ball and he was right on my trail. I tried to fake him out like earlier, but he wasnt goin for it at all. He was even startin to get a lil rough wit me as he gaurded me. I shot from the three point line, and it went in then came back out...talkin bout shitty. He recovered the ball and made a lay up before I could even get close to him. His boys started cheerin him on talkin shit which kinda pissed me off.

Tae: Thats games shawty.(he said smilin)
Yatta: Yea yea whatever.(i said irritated)
Tae: Awww dont be mad boo.(he said grabbin me from behind and kissin my neck)

I wanted to be mad, but I couldnt help smilin around him. Im startin to notice that he been havin that effect on me lately. We walked over to his boys, and they all dapped me up sayin how much of a beast I was even though I lost. We sat around talkin wit them for a while until they got back on the court, and started playin givin us some privacy.

Yatta: So a bet is a bet, and I made a promise. What question is it u wanted me to answer?
Tae: I want u to tell me about yo family...yo parents...Let me in for once.(he said lookin in my eyes)

My face fell when I heard him say that, and I instantly got pissed off. I got up and started walkin away leavin him lookin confused, and his boys stopped playin to watch us. He came after me tellin them he would see them later at the game. I had grabbed my cloths, and started makin my way to his truck ignorin him callin my name.

Tae: Yatta...Yatta man wait up!!
Yatta: Can u unlock the door?(i said pullin on the handle)
Tae: Why u trippin man?
Yatta: Because u just cant leave it alone can u!?(i said turnin around lookin at him)
Tae: No I cant, and im not goin too!! Why are u being so damn up tight about it!?

When I said that its like he froze not really knowin what to say, or how to react. I started to walk away from him again, but he grabbed me pullin me toward him by waist.

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