3. Stand up

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My first class was English. I never like English. Sitting in a room all filled with kids all reading the same book. Come on you can read at home. There was no need to have a person read out loud paragraph by paragraph and then be questioned by the teacher on what you just read. It was a boring class. One person had the guts to talk to me though. Her name was Kelsey.  The class went by quickly mainly because I didn't pay attention.

My next class was French class. At my old school it was mandatory to take 5 years of language to get into a great college. I couldn't roll my R's so I took French instead of Spanish. I was surprisingly very good at it. I walked into the brightly color room and just like in my English class everyone turned and stared at me. I saw one boy that I didn't expect, Mr. Harry Styles. He was seated in the back of the room talking with one of his buddy's. "Bonjour may I help you?" a sweet little old lady, who I'm guessing was Mrs. Hubbard the teacher.

"I'm in your class" I politely said. She kind of reminded me of my grandma. She had gray hair down to her shoulder and a cute cat sweater. She was also shorter than me, a very petite lady.

"Oui, you must be Graycen" She said looking down at a piece of paper that was lying on her desk. I heard a few snickers from the students. I didn't really care I knew I had a boy's name. I was use to people making fun of me for it.

'Oui, but I prefer to be called Gracie Madame" She nodded grabbing a pencil that was behind her ear and scribbling of the paper.

"D'Accord, Would you like to introduce yourself to the class" She smile holding her hands out to motion me to the front where she was standing. I returned a smile, how could I not. I was a big softy for old people.

"En Francias ou Anglais?" I asked. I was unsure of what level French this was so I didn't know if I should be speaking in full French. Mrs. Hubbard rubbed her chin making up her mind.

"En Anglias, it's still the beginning of the year" She nodded to the class who seem to be watching me closely like I was from a different plant. I turned to face the class, my nervous were high but not to the point that I couldn't talk. I had always been good at public speaking.

"Bonjour" I gave a small wave. A few girls laughed at my awkwardness. I rolled my eyes and focused on Harry who was leaning back in his chair hands behind his head. He was quit the cocky one. "My name is Graycen, like Madame Hubbard said. But I prefer Gracie. It suits my gender" I tried to joke no one seemed to find it funny though. "I'm from Chicago. You know in America" This caught there attention. Even Harry sat forward in his chair. "I moved here about two days ago. And I think that's pretty much it" I turned to Madame Hubbard giving her a shrug.

"Very exiting can't wait to learn more about you. Now you can sit hmmm" she looked around the room. I followed her eyes to a seat on the other side of the room than Harry was. She pointed to it and I made my way over to my seat. It was on the far left next to large windows. Plus it was right in front so I could clearly pay attention to the teacher. I set my bag down on the ground peeking to the back of the room. Harry's green eyes were focused on me. His face had no emotion he was just staring. I raised my eye brow at him and gave him a sweet smile. He didn't shy away or look slightly embarrassed as I thought he might be. I faced the front hoping he was still looking at me. I couldn't let Anne down.

The bell rang and my next class was math, my favorite class. It was cut and dry there was always an answer either right or wrong nothing in-between. I walked in to the class early so I could avoid another center of attention show. I slide down at an empty desk. The class soon filled in. A familiar dark haired boy sat next to me. It took me a second but he was the one that was talking to Harry earlier.

"You're new right?" He had a different accent then the others here, a lot thicker. He had a perfect face that made him look like a Hollister male model. He had the longest eye lashed I have ever seen. If only mine were that long.

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