1. Anne

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I stepped out of the rental car. The sun hit me and I covered my eyes. Groaning, I looked at the neighborhood I have to call home from now on. It's a suburb, where all of the houses looked similar with a few things different so you can tell them apart. Everything looked perfect. The freshly green grass and the brightly colored flowers, I was from Chicago. It was a very different atmosphere. I looked up into the blue September sky; spreading my arms out to the side and shouted "God why do you hate me?"

"Gracie you're so dramatic" My mother called yelling over her shoulder as she entering our new house.

"Oh what's life without a little fun" I joked.

"Exactly, her teen angst will make all of our lives more exciting" My dad chuckled walking in after my mom. I looked across the street. A woman was carrying groceries from her car. She was struggling a little. I felt kind of bad. I guess it was time to meet the new neighbors. I jogged across the street and up the driveway.

"Hi ma'am would you like some help?" The lady looked up. She had piercing blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. She looked shocked and stumbled almost dropping the very full bag. I caught it just in time, only spilling a bag of carrots.

"Oh god" She blushed, covering her face "I didn't realize I was at that age in my life when people called me ma'am" She smiled at me "Thank you"

"You're not that old" I lifted the groceries to one arm setting it on my hip and held my hand out "I'm Graycen but you can call me Gracie"

"Graycen?" She raised one of her eyebrows at me.

"Yup my dad always wanted a boy so when he found out he was having a girl he convinced my mom to name me Graycen. No one actually calls me that though" She slipped her hand into mine.

"I'm Anne, Here come in, that bag is heavy" She led me through her very fancy home into the kitchen. I set the bag on the counter next to two others.

"Are there anymore?" I pointed to the front door.

"Oh yes there's one more" She gave me a thankful look. I walked out to her car and grabbed the last bag shutting the car door after me. I reentered her house and placed the bag next to the last one. I started to unpack the bags.

"Gracie you don't have to" She started to say.

"It's either helping you unpack groceries or reclean my new house" I gave her a small smile and continued to unpack the bags. My mom was a clean freak.

"Ah yes" She was staring at me "You just moved in across the street. I didn't know there would be kids" She started to put food in the fridge.

"Well it's only me and my parents. So not really kids" I hated when adults called me a kid. I was clearly not a child anymore due to the boobs on my chest and the monthly gift I get once a month.

"To me, all people younger than me are kids" She explained.

"You are not that old. What 30 tops?" I handed her the eggs.

"You're sweet, no I'm older than that. I have a daughter in her 20's" She laughed.

"I would never have guessed!" I sat down at the counter. We had finished putting the food away.

"Would you like some tea?" She looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"I would really like to say yes but I'm from America" I replied. I grabbed my hair pulling it up into a ponytail. It was a very humid day. I could feel the sweat on the back of my neck.

"American huh?" She was staring at me her mouth pressed tight together. "You're British now, you should learn to like tea" She was scanning over my face, studying me like I was a bug under a microscope. "You are very beautiful" She said in a creepy tone.

"Umm thanks" I stood up awkwardly. It was uncomfortable. "I should probably get back to my mom" I started to back away, her face soften and I saw a flash of sadness in her eyes. I stopped walking.

"I'm sorry I just realized how weird that sounded. Gracie, I know we just met but can you do me a favor?" Her eyes widened watching my every move. She looked like a nice lady not one that would want to kill me or sell me for prostitution.

"Depends on what it is" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Well it's going to sound crazy... really crazy" Her head dropped and she sat in one of the chairs at the table. "I might be crazy actually. But I have a son and I love him. He was a mama's boy from birth. But after me and his father divorced and my daughter left for UNI, he has changed. I don't even know who he is anymore" She paused. She looked so broken her head in her hands. I walked over and took a seat next to her.

"What does this have to do with me doing you a favor?" I asked lying my hand on her shoulder. She pulled a napkin from the table and dabbed her eyes.

"Will you date my son?" She looked up at me with teary eyes. I didn't know what to say I had just met this women not more than ten minutes ago and she wants me to date her son.

"Why?" I stuttered out. She flipped her hair out of her face and the side of her mouth twitched up.

"You are gorgeous, your shiny hair, your cheek bones, your hazel eyes, a body I would kill to have again.." She stopped when she saw my face. "You're exactly my sons' type" she left the room and returned with a picture frame. She handed it to me. I glanced down at it. It was a school picture of a curly haired boy. The same color hair as Anne's and he also had her eyes. His smile was lop sided his lips slightly pouted. He was very attractive.

"He doesn't look like he needs help with getting girls" I handed it back to her.

"Yes and that's the problem. He chooses girls who are not right for him. He uses them for their looks" She sounded disappointed and hurt.

"And you want me to have him use me?" I questioned getting up from my seat. "I don't date players!"

"No, he's not some player. He is just lost and needs some help to find himself again and I know you can help him" She pleaded for me to understand. I thought about doing it just to make her happy.

"Anne I don't think-" I began

"I'll pay you!" she blurted out

"What?" I asked making sure I heard her right. She ran to her purse franticly digging in it. She grabbed her wallet.

"I will pay you, please!" she gave me puppy dog eyes. She must be really desperate, asking some girl she didn't know and then saying she would pay her. I really needed a new car. I bit my lip trying to make up my mind. "Please Gracie, i'll give you 500 pounds!" She said again.

"Okay" I sighed

"Really?" she flinched in shock.

"Yes" I huffed.

"Thank you Gracie" She smiled at me.

"You and I are going to have to hang out a lot, so you can help me lure in your son" I laughed at the thought. Her face lite up and pulled me into a hug.

I guess the UK will be more exciting then I expected.

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