2. Step one

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I pulled my bangs to the side. "ugh why are you not cooperating this morning" I yelled getting frustrated. My normally wavy hair decided to dry very odd this morning. Why is that when I need to look good I never do? I stared at the bangs that decided to stick up. I grabbed my life saver, my bright blue straightener pulling it over my dirty blonde hair watching the steam rise.  "Finally" I smiled as my hair lay flat on my head. I stepped back taking in my appearance. I was dressing completely different than what I usually would wear. It was a new school in a new county. I was reinventing myself. In Chicago I dressed and act more like one of the boys then a girly girl.

My dad had some helping in that. He was an author of some of the most popular books. He was always home and he loved to take me out in the yard and play football, American football not soccer. I was never good at soccer.

My mom on the other hand was a fashion designer. She just made a new fashion line in America. We moved here so she could work with some of the top fashion designers here. I have no clue who they were, some really ridiculous names. I asked my mom to help me put together a new wardrobe for school. She was more than happy too.  I felt good about the way I looked and decided to head downstairs.

Our new house was not as big or fancy as our old one but it was homey. I liked the way this house was very open and lots of sunlight poured in. I could smell pancakes and I quickened my feet. The white cabinet kitchen was a mess. My mom was attempting to cook again.

"Good morning Michelle" yes I call my mom by her first name. She thought mom made her sound to old. I really didn't care.

"Morning hun" She sang in a chipper voice. She put a plate stacked with badly made pancakes in front of me. She was such a bad cook but my father and I didn't have to heart to tell her.

"thank you" I smiled picking up my fork and swallowing the food. I felt her eyes burning a hole into the top of my head. I looked up and her hazel eyes her looking me up and down an approving look on her face. My mom and I weren't as close as most mothers and daughters so the last couple of days all we talked about was fashion.

"You look very beautiful today. You are going to break some hearts" She winked at me. "I have the perfect shoes to go with your look" She left the room. I stood up and ran to the trash tossing some of the pancake in the bin. I quickly sat back down. "Here they are" She said bring back brown heel boots.

"I love them" I cried grabbing them and sliding them on my feet. "Where's dad" I asked realizing he said he would eat breakfast with me this morning. She rolled her eyes.

"Your father had an epiphany at three in the morning. He's been in his study since then" She started cleaning up the mess she made. My dad got in these moods where all he could do was write other times he didn't even want to go near his study.

"Oh my you are already done with breakfast. You want more?" She asked seeing the now empty plate in front of me. I shook my head and rubbed my belly. "I'm all full. It was yummy" I saw her face light up. How could I hurt her with the truth? Only one more year of her food tell I was out on my own. I glanced at the clock half hour until school started.

"Well I should be off" I said standing up feeling two inches higher in my boots. I wouldn't say I was short but......... okay yeah I was short. My nickname at my old school was shorty, Classic. I held my hand out in front of me giving my mom a glare. She laughed at my attitude.

"Ahh yes Keys. You can take your dad's car. At the rate he writing in there he won't be needing it" She walked over to the little bowl that they put their keys in. I had a car back in America but we had to sell it when we moved here. I missed it, having the freedom to just up and leave plus my dad had a range rover not really my style. I thanked my mom and headed to the car.

The sun was shining very bright. The first hint of fall was in the air, the leaves just starting to turn yellow. I climbed up into my dad's range rover feeling instantly small in the big vehicle. Before I even buckled up I plugged my IPhone in blasting my favorite song at the moment Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. I looked in my review mirror glancing at Anne's house. I slide on my oversized sunglasses. I guess this is it Gracie your time to be a different person, a better liked person.

I started the engine and pulled out of my driveway. "Let's go all the way tonight no regrets" I sang at the top of my lungs flinging my hair around. I slammed on the brakes pulling up to a stop light. "I'mma get you heart racing in my skin tight jeans" I tapped my wheel with my pointer finger looking to the right at the car next to me, a red ford pickup truck. Didn't think I would see one of those here. I then notice the driver was staring at me with a small grin on his face. He must have seen me jamming to my music. He was very handsome with bright blue eyes and messed up blonde hair. He looked away as soon as I gave him a small waved. I shrugged and focused back on my song "my heart stops when you look at me" The light turned green and sped out of there.

I pulled up to a large brown building. My old school had walls filled with windows and most classrooms were open. This school seemed the complete opposite. The parking lot had many cars not as nice as mine. I was going to stand out already. I parked next to a small black car. I got out of the car balancing on my heels. I turned around I find all eyes on me. I kind of liked it, I was not invisible anymore. I pulled my purse on my shoulder and walked up the path to the front door making sure to swing my hips.

Pushing the front doors I entered a whole new world. The halls were filled with kids all talking loudly to each other. I notice the different groups, the preps, Goths, the nerds and the cool group. Every school had them and they always seemed to look cooler than they really were. I took off my sunglasses placing then in my purse. I had gotten my schedule and locker number by e-mail yesterday all I need to do was find it. I walked down the noisy hallway knowing that everyone was looking at me. I heard whisper along the line of who is she? Is she new? No shit Sherlock's. I found my locker 113. How Ironic my favorite number is 13. I opened it and placed the lunch my mom made me in there. I was going to buy a lunch with money my dad slipped me last night.

Checking the clock I notice I still had five minute until class started. I took this time to look around for Harry. I felt like a spy searching for their target. I heard all of their British accents and I literally felt like screaming. I had a weird obsession with British accents. Now I am living in the UK. I was hoping to pick one up in no time. I spotted chocolate brown curls bobbing down the hall. It was him, Harry Styles. He was more gorgeous in person. He was wearing a Romano's t-shirt and a simple pair of jeans. His jeans hung low on his hips making my inside flutter. He let out a large laugh, his head falling back making his curl stick up in random directions. His half smile showing his white teeth making my heart race.

He walked over to the 'populars.' A fake blonde bounced over to him wearing a short skirt and a sweatshirt. What was her top half cold but her vagina hot? I laughed at my own joke catching a lot of people around me attention.  I smiled at them showing them I was friendly. I looked back over at Harry. One of his friends was whispering in his ear. He had black hair sticking up. His friend pulled back and pointed over to me. Harry's blue eyes connected to mine, a smirk falling across his face. He looked like he was checking me out so I turned around to my locker so he could check out my ass. It was my best feature. I closed my locker and peeked at him over my shoulder. He was looking down but looked up when he saw me looking. I gave him a wink and took off down the hall finding my first class.

Step One: Get him to notice me

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