13. You Wanna Come Too

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"NIALLLLLLL!" I whined falling onto his bed. It was about 1 in the morning and I had just gotten back from my date with Josh. Niall had been sleeping moments ago.

"Gracie I'm tired!" He moved so I wasn't lying on him. "How was your date" He sat up leaning up against the head board, His room was still dark but the moon was shining in through the window. His blonde locks were sticking up in ever which direction.

I groaned just thinking about the date. Josh was a great guy. He took me out to a cute diner. I love diners the old time feel and with burgers and shakes. Then we went to a late movie. He was so sweet and a gentleman. He held the doors open he held my hand the right amount of time. He even walked me to the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That bad?" Niall asked rubbing his barley open eyes.

"No, it was one of the best dates I have ever been on!" I face palmed myself.

"Okay I'm confused, If It was such a great date why are you complaining?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about Harry" I pulled his blankets over my face. It was true ever since the kiss we shared earlier that day he had been on my mind nonstop. God damn it Styles!

"What?! Do you like him for real?" His eyes were huge. Niall didn't like Harry at all.

"I don't know, but he kissed me"

"What when! And why am I just finding this out" He pulled the blanket away from my face.

"Today at work" I used my hands this time to cover my face.

"Did Liam see?" Thank god for Liam, I can distract Niall from Harry.

"Liam was taking orders and was looking so good. He got a haircut though"

"What! No I loved his hair oh well I bet he's still cute" He blushed getting lost in thoughts of Liam.

"Hey babe can I stay in your bed tonight. I'm too tired to get up" I pleaded feeling my body go limp.

"Of course" He smiled pulling the blankets back so I could slide in next to him. I grabbed a pair of his shorts and changed into them before getting in. I snuggled up to him right away trying to wash the cold away.

"Niall I'm glad I met you" I mumbled into his chest.

"I'm glad I met you too" We were quiet for a long time. My breathing started to slow and I felt like I was drifting into dream world but I heard Niall whisper one more thing "I know you like Styles" This made me wake up but I didn't let him know I was awake. If he knew I liked Harry then why was he so upset. He knows the deal I have with Anne too. I should give her a call. Gemma has been home so she hasn't really needed me to talk to. After much thinking and going over things, my brain finally let me fall asleep.


Next morning I woke up later than I should have but I guess I really needed it. I woke up in Niall's bed but he was gone. I sat up and stretched. My back made noises I never thought it could. I swapped my shirt out for one of his. Why were guys' clothes so much more comfortable? I wandered down stairs to the smell of food but it wasn't my moms. It actually smelled good.

"Who's cooking" I called entering the kitchen. I froze not excepting to see the scene that was in front of me. Flour and eggs were everywhere. It was like a bomb exploded. The stove was on and a pancake was burning in it. I rushed over to it flipping it off. I turned around and looked down; on the floor were Niall and Liam laughing their asses off covered in flour. I put my hands on my hips. "You're cleaning this up mister, keep your work space clean"

"It's not my house" He raised his hands up in defense. I rolled my eyes taking a seat in a stool. "Why are you in Niall's clothes?" He asked raising one of his massive eyes brows.

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